
9 of Pentacles - Swiss JJ Tarot Deck

9 of Pentacles - Swiss JJ Tarot Deck
9 of Pentacles - Swiss JJ Tarot Deck

Nine of Pentacles indicates that you have reached to a stage that,  you feel more confident, independent and now you can stand on your own two feet. 

Now you can enjoy the money you earned in hard ways for your own comfort. 

You have faced a lot of difficulties through out your journey, but 9P is giving you the news that those bad days are over.

9 of Pentacles - Swiss JJ Tarot Deck
9 of Pentacles - Swiss JJ Tarot Deck

9P doesn't only carries out joy but also security, freedom that financial - material wealth can bring.

You can now start to celebrate your hard work  & struggles without going overboard.   

Your previous struggles / challenges made you stronger, Knowing that how hard it was for you to get through where you were at the moment, you can enjoy and be proud of yourself.  
Congratulations!!!!  You worked so hard, you've gone through a lot to come to this stage in your life.

Be Proud of your success and never look back, move forward 

9 of Pentacles doesn't always indicate that you have completed your journey, every day is a new beginning, every day is a new journey.

9 of Pentacles also tells us that there's something missing in our lives, maybe romance, maybe sharing what we have with others who have less.

You might be far from home and from your loved ones, maybe you can start calling and contacting them and sharing your love with them.

Try to be a bit more diplomatic with your colleagues 

Deck Used Here 
Swiss JJ Tarot Deck 

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