
Second House - Owning - Black Moon Astrology Cards

Secod House - Owning
Secod House - Owning

 Wealth is the ability to truly experience life.
 -Henry David Thoreau 
You will own it. 
The Second House is about being grounded in the physical. 
It is the "house of money," and is about what you own and movable goods.
 Ruled by the sign of Taurus, 
The Second House is also about solid reality, creature comforts, lifestyle, and areas supported primarily in the physical realm. 
Secod House - Owning
Secod House - Owning
It is also the key to your power in the world, how you feel empowered and disempowered. 
The Second House isn't always to do with money and possessions. It's about ownership of talents, maintaining comfortable shelter, living up to personal values, and self-esteem. It is also about what we decide to utilize or manifest in the physical realm-the desired result of which will always be quantifiable rewards, comfort, and also familial happiness. 
it's time to concentrate on more practical issues. How do you handle finances? How do you look out for yourself and yours in terms of shelter? How are you being rewarded? Are you making a good living at what you love? It's a time where you need to protect resources, to manage those things you own in a mature and equitable way. 
When this card presents itself in a spread, it's about sowing seeds for a good harvest. It is time build, accumulate, toil, and manage. You may be at a stage to take e beginning steps of opening your own business or embarking on a th that will not only enable you to realize your dreams, but could o make you a fortune in doing so. 
Meeting up with stubborn individuals or being unyielding yourself uld also be an issue. It is important to stay the course, but also to be xible when dealing with others, especially concerning goals or any ancial matter. 
 Music, especially the human voice, or issues concerning the voice ox, may somehow figure in. Beauty, maintaining a good appearance, d having a sense of fashion at this time is also imperative. No matter what your question or focus, money, earnings and material assets will play a part. 
 Usually this is an extremely positive trd, indicating significant financial rewards if you stay on your path ad remain diligent and committed in all you do. 
Since the Second House is ruled by Taurus, with patience, gradual advancement and plid achievement is on its way. 
The only warning is to be cautious where finances are concerned. Is possible, if you come into money, you may meet some unscrupulous 
People who will work to take it from you. 
 The Second House card can at times indicate stubbornness, lothfulness and developments that come about slowly or seem to drag. 
You will not be able to rush things. In most instances, this card indicates an abundant harvest. No matter how fast or delayed it may be-it will arrive. 
 SO in short words You'll be able to make and spend money, you'll be able
Money, you'll be able to spend it, you'll able to afford things you couldn't afford before. 
You'll be able to pay your bills, pay your debts, loans, mortgage, credit cards.
You'll be able to buy a house or land, you'll be able to invest in real estate.
You'll be able to afford holidays, luxury items, cosmetics.the finer things in life; what you value; what you hope for
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