The frequency of Alchemy activates our magical ability and remembrance
of the magic that we all hold inside.
Each one of us has the potential
to access the ancient knowledge that allowed the true alchemist to perform the miracles of transmutation.
Alchemy usually refers to the process of transform ing matter, particularly that from metal into gold. In amore
esoteric sense,
Alchemy has been associated with magical transformations that have to do with longevity.
Magic is as real as we allow ourselves to believe whether we aim to transform metal into gold or wish to find the secret to life itself-the immortality of the soul.
When we access the mysterious, subtle, and often undefined parts of
ourselves that light us up, we get a taste of real magic.
Love is one of
the greatest, most mysterious and magical energies in the Universe.
When love comes to us and we open our hearts to welcome it in, true
Alchemy can work its magic on every aspect of our being.
In Tantric traditions, it is believed that when two people merge through
not only their physical bodies but with all the energetic aspects of
themselves aligned as well, they can reach states of consciousness that
have powerful rejuvenating effects and can even open the door to
These heightened states of consciousness can also be
achieved by a single individual.
The key either way is the intentional,
directed, deep state of love that merges all dualistic aspects—the mas
culine and the feminine-with others and, ultimately, within ourselves.
The Alchemy image shows how one becomes two or is it the other way around? From the center (Source) spin the two aspects of masculine (left circle with the upward triangle) and feminine (right circle with the downward triangle), representing the dualistic world of the physical plane.
The bright orange represents the color of our sacral chakra which is linked to our sexuality,
our connection with others, and its freeing effect on the body and mind.
Purple and violet represent our con nection to the higher realms and
Source, indicating that our consciousness is as much part of the merging
as our physical bodies are.
The large triangles refer to the union
between the masculine and the feminine, where the upward triangle
represents the masculine, and the downward one the feminine. The number
six (circles. light sources) represents harmony, love, and balance
Take a moment to go inside yourself and remember who you are.
Remember that you hold within you all the secrets of unlimited potential and infinite existence.
Do you know that you are magical—that you can perform magical manifesta tions?
You are a great sorcerer.
Practice your magic often!
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