
Goddess Saraswati & Ammonite - Crystal Mandala Oracle

Goddess sarawati & Amonite
Goddess sarawati & Amonite

Goddess sarawati & Amonite 
 We bring you the empowerment of word to world. 
What you speak of with intention you shall manifest. 
 You are blessed with the creative power of an open and activated throat chakra. 
As you release subconscious fear of speaking your truth, memories of being silenced, and claim your true divine voice, your ability to change your world through your intention is amplified. 
Goddess sarawati & Amonite
Goddess sarawati & Amonite

You have the power of divine creation through sound in you. 
What you wish to create and experience, speak of with joy. 
There are many times on the spiritual path when we feel we are in circumstances not of our conscious choosing. In fact, we may think, ‘There’s no way I would have chosen this situation!” Perhaps the mind would not; yet through the frequency of our being, we are attracted to various people, places and things. 
If we have healthy self-esteem, we will tend to be attracted to that which uplifts, assist and inspires. If we are healing issues to do with self-worth or can spiritually benefit from an experience of lower vibrational energy to help us on our life journey, we will be unconsciously attracted to that which feels lowering. 
 Those experiences tend to generate fear and negativity and don’t feel good in that they can sometimes be the motivational push we need to break free of fear because we simply cannot bear feeling that way anymore! 
They may also teach up to hold compassion for the suffering of others and inspire us to work in the healing arts. 
Lowering experiences may also help us find gratitude in our hearts for simple happiness too. 
However, if there is a more joyful way to learn that, and many times there will be, then why not choose that for yourself? 
The frequency of our being has a bearing on experiences and our self-esteem. 
The higher the self-esteem, the more likely we are to want to raise our frequency. It feels better to live with a higher frequency and higher self-esteem. 
We make choices that support us, rather than sabotage our best intentions, and we find it easier to set clear boundaries and say no to influences not good for us. 
We have more fun, feel happier and believe in our own value. We can then take risks in life that open us up to more of our divinity, raising our frequency yet again. It is a positive cycle of creation. 
 If you want to change your experience of life, change your frequency. 
You will start repelling or feeling repelled by people, behaviours or places that once may have enthralled and enslaved your body and mind. 
Fear will not be able to grip you in the same way as it could at lower frequencies. 
You’ll have more energy to deal with life and you’ll attract more experiences that increase the goof feelings you have about yourself and your love for the world. 
The easiest way to change your frequency is to consciously choose your words. 
If you find yourself dwelling on the negative, switch it up. Look at the same situation as a way through which you can grow. 
You can be curious and open, and very willing to grow so the situation can evolve into something far more enjoyable. You can adopt a positive attitude and be determined you are going to empower yourself with your attitude, rather than feel victimized or defeated. 
 Don’t just adjust your attitude, speak about it differently. Is it a way to grow stronger? Is it a way to learn how to trust unconditionally and build faith in the face of the unknown? Is it a chance to let go or an opportunity to grow your self-respect? 
Can you choose to claim your power to feel good about who you are, even in the face of another’s fearful criticism? There is always a positive spin to find in any situation. You just have to be willing to do it. As you do, your frequency rises. 
When your frequency become incompatible with the lower vibration of negativity, one of two things happen: either your frequency transforms the fear, and a solution appears, or your frequency repels the fear, and that person, place or situation leaves your life. 
Either way, this is a good solution. It allows you to feel good and attract new and uplifting energies into your life.  
 To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now: I call upon the Crystal Angel of Ammonite and Goddess Saraswati who love me unconditionally. 
Thank you for the divine healing empowerment of word to world. 
May the words I think and speak be a faithful reflection of what my heart wishes to create. May I be protected by divine mercy as I Kan to empower my voice and communicate freely and with authenticity. 
May the Universal Mother gently raise my frequency to most joyfully fulfil my divine potential through my thoughts and my words. 
Through divine mercy and my own free will, so be it. you wish to further integrate this guidance, hold the oracle card with the mandala image facing away from you, resting at the throat chakra at the base of your throat). 
You may like to hold the card horizontally rather than vertically if this feels more comfortable. Relax and breathe in and out several times. and out several times. 
 Then say aloud: I choose of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire being, to release any inhibition of my voice, truths or expressions.
 I give myself absolute permission to express my truths. I express myself in all ways from my authentic centre, and the healing will of the 
Divine can emanate through my thoughts and my words for the greatest good. Through divine empowerment and unconditional love, so be it. Hold the oracle card flat between your palms so you can place your hands in prayer position with the oracle card between them. 
Bow your head and say: 
May divine love bring words to the world with compassionate mercy. 
May words of love and encouragement be heard and felt by all being According to divine grace and in service to the divine feminine wisdom evolving through humanity at this time, so be it. 
 Through divine empowerment and unconditional love, so be it. Hold the oracle card flat between your palms so you can place your hands in prayer position with the oracle card between them. 
Bow your head and say: 
May divine love bring words to the world with compassionate mercy. May words of love and encouragement be heard and felt by all being 
According to divine grace and in service to the divine feminine wisdom evolving through humanity at this time, so be it. 
Then say aloud: I choose of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire being, to release any inhibition of my voice, truths or expressions.
 I give myself absolute permission to express my truths. I express myself in all ways from my authentic centre, and the healing will of the Divine can emanate through my thoughts and my words for the greatest good. 
Through divine empowerment and unconditional love, so be it. Hold the oracle card flat between your palms so you can place your hands in prayer position with the oracle card between them. 
 Bow your head and say: May divine love bring words to the world with compassionate mercy. 
May words of love and encouragement be heard and felt by all being 
According to divine grace and in service to the divine feminine wisdom evolving through humanity at this time, so be it.

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Crystal Mandala Oracle 

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