
Queen Of Earth - Angel Tarot

Queen Of Earth - Angel Tarot
Queen Of Earth - Angel Tarot

QP is a motherly figure, as well as it might represent you, it might represent your mother (grandmother, mother in law) or someone you see as a mother to take advice.
QP has a very positive energy, and she's also very traditional woman.

Queen Of Earth - Angel Tarot
Queen Of Earth - Angel Tarot

I understand you might be a passionate and hard working person but you also need to balance your work life & private - home life. 

Be confident on expressing your opinions, don't hide the truth, don't be afraid to express the truth. 

Take care of people around you, and it's important for you to take care of people around you and your loved ones.  

You'll receive help when you most needed..

If you are mother you are loving and caring mother, if not you'll be a caring & loving mother. 

If you are married with kids, why don't you do some activities together this weekend?

Please be careful you might have an argument with a friend.   

Queen of Pentacles is one of the royal cards. You can financially secure yourself if you work hard. Success is yours if you do things right and secure your future 
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