
Relase Your Ex- Romance Angels

Relase Your Ex- Romance Angels
Relase Your Ex- Romance Angels

The time has come to clear your energy 
Release Your Ex 
The time has come to clear your energy. 
You drew this card because your love life will improve once you emotionally and energetically release your ex-lover. 
Relase Your Ex- Romance Angels
Relase Your Ex- Romance Angels

The benefits of doing so include increased happiness, feelings of freedom, and the ability to attract a new lover (who would otherwise sense the presence of your ex in your aura).
The moment you make the decision to let go of the past, it is done. Sometimes this is akin to peeling layers from the onion. 
So, continue releasing your ex whenever old, familiar feelings arise; or you find yourself attracting people reminiscent of him or her. 
 As the painting on this card depicts, you may want to ceremonially burn a letter to release the old relationship energy and sym bolically let go of old feeling. 
Or you can call upon the Romance Angels to clear lingering attachments to your ex.


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 Romance Angels

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