12 April 2021

Ancestors - Earth Magic Oracle

Ancestors - Earth Magic Oracle
Ancestors - Earth Magic Oracle
Generations Ancestors are those from whom we are escended, with a lineage that starts with our parents and grandparents and stretches ack hundreds and even thousands of years. 
We carry our ancestors' bloodline and are connected to them both genetically and spiritually in an underlying continuity of which we may only barely be aware. 
 Although environment and circumstance contribute to shaping us-particularly when we're young-an innate thread of kinship exists that has run the course of history for thousands of years and is contained in our bodies and in our being
Ancestors - Earth Magic Oracle
Ancestors - Earth Magic Oracle
Since we're biologically and soulfully connected to these spirit beings, we can readily call upon them for guidance and assistance in matters concerning our family, community, and ourselves. In this card's image, the hands symbolize the constant connection with the past. 
The Australian Aborigines consider their ancestors the core of their spirituality and culture, and the Rainbow Serpent (the spirit being that created all of Life on Earth) intertwines herself through the hands' fingers, representing how the Aborigines honor all of creation.

 No matter our lineage, we have much to learn from our ancestors. You have within you the blood of your ancestors. 
You are deeply connected to your lineage, the most immediate proof of that being the physical resemblance you have to your mother and father and perhaps even your grandparents. 
Yet beyond that, although unknown to your usual senses, you are connected to an ancestry that reaches back through the millennia. 
This is the time to call upon those ancestors, those who are of your bloodline as well as those ancient ones who have walked the land that you now walk. In many indigenous cultures, 
it is believed that the essence of your ancestors inhabits many of the physical aspects of the land. In other words, they are in the trees, the water, the air, the animals, the stones-their blood being in the very dirt and sand you tread upon.
Next time you are outside, allow your senses to open to those ancestors who abide in the physical world. And anytime at all, allow your heart to open to those spirits to whom you are related through your heredity and those to whom you are connected by virtue of the land upon which you live. 
Whether or not we know our ancestors, we are the product of those who have lived before us, DNA-wise. Externally, we may have the body type of our father, our mother’s eyes, our grandmother’s nose, our great grandfather’s skin tone. 
On the inside, it gets even more interesting. 
We know now that we can ‘inherit’ the way our body works, blood types, genetic disorders, even propensities for aspects of brain function like introversion, musicality and mathematics.  
Many pagan paths associated with Halloween believe that we are born perfectly imperfect to be exactly what we are meant to be.
 What does this mean? It means that the gifts our ancestors have left us and the unique synergy of the combination of the physical, mental and physical that is created within us, sets us up perfectly to achieve our ultimate purpose. 
Should the Ancestor card bring itself to your attention, know that you are ready and able to action your birthright of power.
 You have the support of those who came before you. 
There may be challenges or struggles but you have everything you need to overcome them. You will prevail!”
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Earth Magic Oracle Cards 

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