26 April 2021

Dandelion - Angel Dreams

Dandelion - Angel Dreams
Dandelion - Angel Dreams

 “Vitality ~ Empowerment ~ Perseverance.”
 “Dandelion is here to empower you with vitality. 
Your wishes ad prayers have been heard.
You will persevere.
 This powerful herb is helping you work through the layers of this situation by bestowing on you the qualities of strength, determination, and adaptability. 
Dandelion - Angel Dreams
Dandelion - Angel Dreams

This card is encouraging you to be strong and flexible. 


The dandelion grows with fierce determination.


 Although people mow it down, if finds a new way to survive, sometimes by growing through a crack in the sidewalk! 


Adjust what you can so you may continue to grow and reach for the light.

Archangels Sandalphon and Ariel are both associated with this symbol. 
The goddess Brigit is also associated with this card
. Keep a balance of humility and confidence. 
It is time to acknowledge and release your deep seated negative emotions. 
Get some bodywork, such as a massage, to loosen the muscles in your back, neck and shoulders. 
Your project or goal requires patience. Keep going.

Deck Used here 
Angel Dreams

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