13 April 2021

Hope-Mary Queen Of Angels Oracle

Hope-Mary Queen Of Angels Oracle
Hope-Mary Queen Of Angels Oracle
I trust that God has a wonderful solution and brilliant plans in store for me. 
 This is a message about retaining hope, even if you have no idea how your situation could resolve itself. 
Hope-Mary Queen Of Angels Oracle
Hope-Mary Queen Of Angels Oracle
Jesus taught about the importance and the power of faith, and your circumstances require it. 
A person who carries hope in his or her heart is trusting in God's plan. 
This translates into some one who is happy, relaxed, and easygoing, which is a winning and magnetic personal ity that attracts helpful people and golden opportunities. 
 This card asks you to remain optimistic about your future, and to continue giving worries, cares, insecurities, and other forms of fear to God, 
Who will heal them. In answer to your prayers for increased hope and faith, spiritual help is available to bol ster your positive outlook.
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Mary, Queen of Angels

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