19 April 2021

Moldative - Crystal Spirts Oracle

Moldative - Crystal Spirts Oracle
Transformation, rebirth through fire, initiation and opening to new experiences, revitalization and renewal 
New doors open, and you cross the threshold. It can be exhilarating to know that you are stepping out of the old and into a new self ready for the unexpected gift s that come with this initiation. 

Moldative - Crystal Spirts Oracle
Moldative - Crystal Spirts Oracle
Moldavite Spirit’s message is to know that as you walk through an open door, you are being reborn in a sense, for you will be different once you have made a conscious choice to say good-bye to what was. 
Rebirth always involves tension and struggle. 
Crystals can only form if there is plenty of pressure to change. If you are frustrated or uncomfortable, know that relief is on the way, so just focus on what is happening as a better tomorrow begins to reveal itself. 
Your passage into the new is assured, so be present, be open, be ready for healing to take place. 
This new experience requires a new you, in a sense—a you that recognizes that you belong here, that you truly can let go of the old. You are so loved, and the Conscious Universe is so proud of you!
As you transition to a new you, you will become part of a new group of people, for you are having new experiences that differ from those that came before. 
Old friends will be there for you, but new ones will appear, drawn to your vibration, which resonates with theirs. 
Although you are being initiated into a new experience, you will not be alone, so leave your fears at the door. Your community will find you, and you will know that you belong as they embrace you as one of their own. You will feel the love as you adjust to your new role, confident in the potential of those you care about coming along with you.
Encourage them to believe that they too can let go of the past and transition into something better. 
 The appearance of Moldavite Spirit is a sure sign that you are closing the door on the past in some way and stepping into a new you, ready for what lies ahead. You will not be alone, and you will encounter many signs that you have what you need and that your foundation is strong.
  You may feel a little shaky right now—after all, you are not used to this territory—but you’ve passed the audition, so to speak, and are ready to step into the prosperous life you deserve.
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