
My Mind is Free - Talking to Heaven | All About Paranormal } -->

My Mind is Free - Talking to Heaven

My Mind is Free - Talking to Heaven
My Mind is Free - Talking to Heaven
My mind is free. 
"You know how much I worried when I was in my physical existence. It seemed as if I spent most of my days and nights!—feeling anxious about the future, family, money, and the earth. 
Now I realize that most of what I worried about was never a reality.
My Mind is Free - Talking to Heaven
My Mind is Free - Talking to Heaven
And those things that did materialize variety. 
This card validates your feelings to eat a more vegetarian, or even a vegan, diet. 
 This shift in your eating patterns will yield positive changes such as clearer thinking, increased psychic abilities, and more energy. 
Ask the fairies to assist you with this change, and they'll gladly do so (including helping your own garden to yield a bumper crop of produce!). 
A health or behavioral concern is dietary related 
Eliminate chemicals from your diet. 
Detoxify Pray over your food prior to eating it. 
 Do some research (such as reading, consulting a nutritionist, or taking a class) about balancing your diet with more vegetables and fruits 
Transition to a raw food diet 
Encourage your children to eat more organic fresh fruits and vegetables
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