09 April 2021

Page of Cups - Santa Muerte Tarot

Page of Cups - Santa Muerte Tarot
Page of Cups - Santa Muerte Tarot

 Page of Cups is telling you that you need to be open to the new ideas, 
It also tells us that we will have a new oppotunity to start something and how will we use it.

Will we use it alone to create something new or wil we get help from someone else to turn this energy into something else? 

Page of Cups - Santa Muerte Tarot
Page of Cups - Santa Muerte Tarot

You need to think carefully and move foreword
 It's great but the only problem is if your birth cards are The Hierophant & Hermit you'll be struggling, as both cards are not open to new ideas and changes) 
The new ideas could be intuitive inspiration ones. (Those inspirations of mine are on their annual leave atm) 
You might not be expecting to be inspired this much but you should accept and welcome the inspiration, maybe it'll open new doors on your job,.
PC invites to be more open minded and curious (not too curious, you know the pharse "Curiosity Kills The Cat")
Discover new ascpects of life, dream of the most imposible dream.   
Bring back your inner child and believe that anything is possible. 
It's quite possible that you stopped following your dreams, this is the reason, we pulled out the Page of Cups today.. 
We should never let our dreams go. We need to chase them and try to make them to come true.. 
PC asks you to explore your creative & emotional self. 

Start reading a book that you'd read before. 

Start taking a new course. 

Try developing your psyhic abilities. 
 You need to express your emotions without going over board
 Let your ego go.... 
You need to trust your intuition and be open to intuitive messages.Look for synchronicities and signs. 
They may come from unexpected places & times.
 Be ready to discover new aspects of yourself. PC indicates you will be receiveing an unexpected surprise. 
 Just be ready & get ready 
Deck Used Here 

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