27 April 2021

Skunk Spirit - The Spirit Animal Oracle

Know your worth
 Not everyone will appreciate you; many people have issues of their own to address, and you may trigger something in them, but if so, no matter. 
Skunk Spirit calls you to be fully yourself, without apology. 
Now is a time for honesty and admitting that something does not sit right for you. 
 You deserve the self-respect that comes when you courageously choose to stand up for yourself and speak your truth in love. 
Remember who you are and what really matters to you, and act with integrity. 
You will be so glad you did. Know your worth 
What do you value? What do you believe in? 
Is your best, most authentic self on display? 
Skunk Spirit comes as a reminder that you can be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. Know your worth.
Not everyone will agree with you or share your values, but you can walk with your head high, knowing that when you express your integrity, others can feel your authenticity and will be inspired by it. 
Be who you are, and if your reputation precedes you, good! 
You have much to be proud of, and Skunk Spirit wants you to be your best self, the true you.  
It is time for you to stand tall and be yourself, regardless of what others may think of you… or think they know about you. 
When you can live each day authentically, your essence and light will shine for all to see.
 The ones who cannot value you for who you are will fall away, and your luminous spirit will attract your tribe, your soul family, and abundant opportunities into your life.
What do you value? What do you believe in? Is your best, most authentic self on display? 
Skunk Spirit comes as a reminder that you can be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. Know your worth. 
Not everyone will agree with you or share your values, but you can walk with your head high, knowing that when you express your integrity, others can feel your authenticity and will be inspired by it. 
 Be who you are, and if your reputation precedes you, good!
 You have much to be proud of, and Skunk Spirit wants you to be your best self, the true you.
The skunk spirit guide will help you to develop your self-confidence. 
You’ll grow your personal powers and individuality. If you are drawn to this card it means you are in need of self-identity. 
 It empowers you to create your own boundaries. You learn to trust in your abilities more. 
 Skunk Spirit will give you determination to continiue and persue your dreams 
 Skunk Spirit will help you build up your self-confidence as well as helping you developing your strength and your independence. 
Skunk Spirit wants you to trust yourself a bit more. 
Trust yourself and believe that you can do things and you can achieve things that you think they're unachievable. 
You also don't like people invading your privacy, Know your weaknesses and strength

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