10 June 2021

Tarot Illuminati 2 of Pentacles

Tarot Illuminati 2 of Pentacles
Tarot Illuminati 2 of Pentacles
Today is the time to put a smile on your face.

Your efforts, what ever you are putting in is balancing.

It also informs that solutions to your financial problems is just about to arrive or it has just arrived

Trust your instincts they will carry you to the right way. 

Tarot Illuminati 2 of Pentacles
Tarot Illuminati 2 of Pentacles
Think positive and don't think that all the good things happening to you is just a coincidence or an accident.

Send positive energy to the universe so you can get that positive energy back

Whether this card appears as PPF it is a struggle card

Two of Pentacle is also a partnership card.

Two of pentacles is an endless struggle card.

At the end life is all about struggles

When it comes to love, it is a sign to many demands, whether this is from the family or from your partner but it is a sign of demands,

It is about do you want to be in this relationship or do you want to me in a relationship at all.

Be little flexible, consider if that person is the one that you want to be with?

Or is this relationship getting your needs?

It also does not mean that you'll be all alone forever. 

Two of Pentacles also warns to be careful on your expenses,  you don't have the luxury to throw your money around.  You have less so your budget needs to be tighter. 

It's a struggle card, it tells you, you are having issues to make the ends.  

This is not only about your finances, it's also about your relationships (love), finances, health. 

You need to concentrate on those problematic the most problematic things in your life.  

Continue on balancing stuff. 

Continue on balancing stuff. 

You, yourself needs to be your main priority, you need to come first, spend your energy on yourself 

Plan your finances accordingly, don't have extra unnecessary expenditures and increase your income.

Deck Used Here

Tarot Illuminati 

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