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5 of Swords - Tarot of The Magical Forest

5 of Swords - Tarot of The Magical Forest
5 of Swords - Tarot of The Magical Forest
When five of Swords appear it might mean (that's one of the nasty cards) 
You are having conflicts, disagreements disagreements. 
You may feel as if everyone and everything is against you. A no win situation. 
 You need to accept the reality when 5S is showing, you need to be honest with yourself & with your partner. 
5 of Swords - Tarot of The Magical Forest
5 of Swords - Tarot of The Magical Forest
t might well be you are having a fight with yourself, inner self. You might be jumping one disastrous relationship to another one.

You are at a place that you feel imprisoned, tied, you want to escape but you can't. Metaphorically you're chained at where you are at the moment and you can't move on.
You need to sacrifice & endure things until, you're ready to move on to the next chapter. 
No pain no gain You might have a friends or other people around you that are trying to get benefit of you. "Friends with Benefits" When 5 of Swords appear it might mean (that's one of the nasty cards) Legal battles in between couples during divorce - separation  
You need to accept the reality when 5S is showing, you need to be honest with yourself ; & with your partner
5S is one of the most unwelcomed cards in tarot.
It's a disappointment, failure, 

5S is both a good and a bad omen depends on if you see the glass half full or half empty.
5S is a card that represents change and surrender, it tells you either you accept the defeat and walk away, or just surrender. 

It's a self a sabotage card, it's about deception, stress, conflict, and lack of communication.
It is a card that represents things that we wish not to experience / come across / encounter. (any bad thing you can think of, theft, deception, violence, serious illness, death of a loved one etc) 

It also tells us, if we encounter any of these things, we need to overcome them before it defeats us. 

We need to fightback, life is about fighting and over coming difficulties. 

But if you go in verbal arguments with your loved ones over disagreements,even though you think you won, you defeated them and have the victory, you won the battle, you might make them upset. 
Conflicts are not good. Stay away from conflicts and confusion.
You will be isolated by your loved ones if you go into verbal arguments over nonsense things, isolation and being left alone is not good for your mental health.
You can still revert back the mistakes you have done, while the argument is still fresh and new. 
There's no reason to believe everyone is against you, if you continue this way you will lose your friends and loved ones, be careful on how you act. 

You need to decide what is more important? You need to stop conflicting with yourself.
I do get that you might be an ambitious person but sometimes being ambitious might be too much for others, let go of your big ego
5S is not a good omen for love as well, it might indicate separation cheat, break ups & , walking away, even divorce
5S is extremely negative if we look at what it's telling us, 5S might even indicate bullying.
If you are in an abusive relationship,please walk way and start a blank chapter.Nobody deserves to be in an abusive relationship. Try to get help from your loved ones and officials / organizations.
5S not good for career as well. On Career you need to stand up for yourself,there is a lot of stress and conflicts on your work place, you might either change your career or you will be sacked. You might get bullied at work, you need to stand up for yourself if that happens. Don't self victimize your self and cry me me me either. Just be strong and don't switch on the self defensive mode.
Be careful on your finances and expenditures at this time, and I do strictly recommend you avoid some luxury spending at this time, until your finances improves.
Don't spend more than you have in your bank account, calculate your bills etc.
Just have some budget,and be loyal to that budget until you have improved your finances.
  As I said at the beginning 5S is not a good omen, your health is not good either.. If you are under stress and have too much anxiety try alternatives methods to relax. Such as energy work, yoga & meditation.

It's obvious that you are looking for escape methods to control, try alternatives methods, Don't use drugs,don't drink or  use pharmaceuticals (unless you are prescribed) What you are experiencing right now might be a part of Karma, related to your actions in the past. (not that distant past, a year, a month, or days ago)


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