01 June 2021

Temperance -The Cauldron of Annwyn - Legend The Arthurian Tarot

Temperance -The Cauldron of Annwyn- Legend The Arthurian Tarot
You have remained to be calm so far, which is a great thing, if we take the amount of the stress and anxiety you are / have been going through, that's a big step and great achievement. But there's actually a person who's masterminding some events to give you stress and anxiety, and that person is doing her / his best not letting you to have peace. 
 That person is determined to give you stress and anxiety, however you need find the balance and you need to find a way of progressing slowly, the only way will be cutting the cords. 
Temperance -The Cauldron of Annwyn- Legend The Arthurian Tarot
Temperance tells us, now you know what to do, you gave your decision, you know what to achieve.   Consider this as a lesson that you need / needed to learn , a journey that you have to / had to go through your life,   
Temperance also tells us that you need to find peace within yourself to progress. 
You also need to find balance & harmony, You need to be calm,  don't get angry, no matter how many times people try to make you angry,, don't be temperamental  
Temperance card is about, Friendships, family, partnerships (romantic - business-work), all need your attention,  mixing and matching., you need to keep on trying until you find the right one.  
Deck Used Here

Legend The Arthurian Tarot 

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