25 June 2021

Santa Muerte Tarot - The Tower

Santa Muerte Tarot - The Tower
Santa Muerte Tarot - The Tower
Whether The Tower is reversed or upright the interpretation remains the same. 
The Tower is about changes . (The same goes for the "Devil” and “Death,”) It's about difficulties someone / something is causing for you or for your loved ones. 
There's still a possibility unfortunately still a possibility that there are some people/situations that you think they'll be there for you but you just miscalculated 
Don't over think of this, it's not a big major change.. It's smth minor. It'll not be the end of life. You need to learn to deal with it.
Santa Muerte Tarot - The Tower
Santa Muerte Tarot - The Tower
Don't stress out at work, it'll be unlike you, it'll be unusual behaviour for you, and people will wonder. Don't get into arguments and conflicts. 
Think Positive so positive things will come at the end. Think of this situation as glass with half water, everything depends on how you see it. 
Herb for The Tower is Garlic as on The Herbal Tarot

The Tower-Garlic- Herbal Tarot

The Tower-Garlic- Herbal Tarot

. Don't invest your money into anything at this moment 
No gambling, no euro bonds, nothing, keep your money in your pocket, avoid harsh decisions on finances. 
Don't over spend your money on useless things. Keep it in your pocket Avoid dangerous situations, don't play with fire. 
Keep positive attitude no matter what.
 Master for The Tower is Master Ragoczy 
 In a love Tarot reading, , The Tower can be a bad omen if you are in a relationship, it indicates  breaking up or divorce.
Both you and your partner may be going through a difficult time and that is pushing your (both) your buttons, that you are driving each other nuts.
You need to learn to communicate,  

Also you need to be understanding.
The Tower is not a good omen career wise either.   
Difficult times are waiting you. 
You are also under a lot of stress, due to your job, mental health etc. 
Be careful in your daily life these days you might have small accidents                                                   
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