11 June 2021

Silver Witchcraft - 9 of Wands

Silver Witchcraft - 9 of Wands
Silver Witchcraft - 9 of Wands

9 of Wands tells us to calm down. don't get overly exhausted by things you keep getting worried about. 

One at a time, you don't have to do things at once.   

If you need help ask for help. 

There might be a little tension at home or at work, watch out your words, think twice before you speak. 

Silver Witchcraft - 9 of Wands
Silver Witchcraft - 9 of Wands

If you need space ask people to give you space.

In your relationship give each other some space, sometimes It's not good to live nose to nose everyday.  

Don't rush into things,  take things slowly.

Try finding out to increase your income.

Please don't let anxiety to take over your life. 
Don't worry to much,

Try meditation and yoga for your anxiety

Try being more disciplined.

9 of Wands is about great hopes, so it tells you don't be a pessimist there's a light at the end of the tunnel 

9W tells us you have gone through too many struggles but you were determined you won the fight. 

9W tells us to continue fighting 

You might have gone through a lot of bad experiences, bad days, that may have had threatened your physical & mental health. You might have felt like you lost your balancem, but you had over come those trials with determinations and will. If you are going through those days all you needs is a determination and will. All of us gone through those days or one day we will gone through but with will and determination we will over come those days. It is important that we should never give up.
People may have betrayed your trust for that reason you started not trusting people,this may have / had occured multiple times, and you may have lost your courage to trust others. This is about to change you may meet people who'd help you to gain your trust to others. I know it's a risky move but it's worth a try.
Maybe you lost your trust to your loved ones, to your boyfriend, girlfriend or partner maybe you lost your work partners / colleague, but there is always a new begning, You need to open a blank chapter, trust and start being happy again with people around you.
Do this when you are ready and don't feel under the pressure. Don't force yourself to do things either.
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