
The High Priestess - Morgan Greer | All About Paranormal } -->

The High Priestess - Morgan Greer

The High Priestess - Morgan Greer
The High Priestess - Morgan Greer

Pay attention to your dreams & synchronicities

You are the one who knows what's best to you.

Listen to your instincts and act according to it.

It's time to understand your instincts & trust your instincts

You are either developing your instincts or time to develop.

You need to be careful to your sleep & appetite 


The High Priestess - Morgan Greer
The High Priestess - Morgan Greer

You will be frustrated with a female figure, this person might be your lover, it might be sister, boss, mother or another female figure in your life. 

If you are in a relationship,  this card might indicate to go to your own way, 

There are  lots of secrets. mysteries yet to be revealed.

High Priestess indicates you are very popular among the other / opposite gender 

You need patience, also you need to trust your intuition. Be honest with others and yourself e don't hide things, if you hide things it will come to surface one way or the other way, so instead let what is hidden come to the surface.
There will be a work opportunity that you might use it for your own advantage and you can benefit it from.

 As this card is a High Priestess it involves creativity & arts.

You might go in a period of training or education, if you are involved in arts & creativity, you'll be even more inspired.  

You'll have big choices for your future career or projects. 

Someone will help you / mentor you for your future projects

 Be careful who you discuss your finances with, short words zip your mouth and don't share any details of your finances 

 Keep your finances hidden from others. 

Use your intuition whether your choice is good or not.

When it comes to your health you need to listen your body, you body is sending messages .

The High Priestess is telling you are not really listening the messages / signals your body is sending you and not taking your health concerns into consideration.

  Don’t allow ignore them. 

 High Priestess also symbolizes hormones & fertility, & menstruation.  (moon cycles, your periods are connected to moon cycles)

The High Priestess is calling to you to listen to her messages, and follow her.  

You are searching within yourself, and there are questions that needs to be answered, you are seeking answers to your questions 

The answers to your questions are within you..

The High Priestess is asking you to challenge yourself

It tells us that we need to go beyond our capability.

Time to discover your hidden / undiscovered abilities

Start reading a new book, try learning a new hobby ..

Wisdom is the key.

Listen to your intuition rather than prioritizing your conscious mind.

Avoid conflict and try to be cool.

Move forward and trust your guts.

You have got important decisions to make, only if you can decide, make your mind up and know what you want. . .

Don't repeat the same mistakes over & over. 

Eat & Sleep well.

Don't forget to be positive.

 The High Priestess is ruled by Master Lady Mary

 The  Master Lady Mary entrusts the energies of intuitive wisdom upon aspiring females

 The  Master Lady Mary encourages females to authorize themselves in society 

The Master Lady Mary gives her energies to the numbers 2 and 20 and corresponds to the Moon. 

 HERB: PEONY (you can see this on Herbal Tarot)

The High Priestess - Herbal Tarot
The High Priestess

You are unable to see the bigger / whole picture of what's going around at this time, as moon conceals it. 
You can still try to see the bigger / whole picture using your intuition, if you learn to use your intuition and see the bigger image, you can also see the small details in your work / art / project / situation
The High Priestess is telling you keep your ideas, opinions to yourself, have faith in yourself.  
You will have two options on two separate occasions, you need to consider those options and give firm decisions.
You need to find your inner peace and learn to filter the negative energies.  

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Morgan Greer

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