03 June 2021

The King of Cups - The Wheel of The Year

The King of Cups - The Wheel of The Year
The King of Cups - The Wheel of The Year
King of cups represents balance between thoughts and emotions King of cups have both feminine and masculine energy, and also holds positive qualities of both masculine and feminine King of cups represents a man in your life, more like a pale man, who has light skin.
 King of Cups are kind and gentle 
The King of Cups - The Wheel of The Year
The King of Cups - The Wheel of The Year
King of cups represents balance between thoughts and emotions
You have a deeper understanding of your life, you have balanced emotions and you can control them You might have to make a difficult decision. You might meet someone who could help you on this situation, and listen to their advice. 
Look for someone who could help you in business, or a friend to help you to give you advice in the future. King of cups is a good omen if you are single, you might meet that special person. 
Don't ignore what your body is telling you health wise but this doesn't mean your health is not good. You need to sort your money situation, don't over spend your money 
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