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The Magician - Zombie Tarot

The Magician - Zombie Tarot
The Magician - Zombie Tarot    
Magician is a very positive card, and it represents a positive time.
But you also need to keep on mind that everything starts with you and ends with you. 
You just can't sit and wait luck to come and knock your door, you need to create your own luck. 
You need to create that potential for luck. 
The Magician - Zombie Tarot
The Magician - Zombie Tarot
You have all the skills you need to achieve what you want and there will be changes in your life.

It's about will power. Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world, and the outer will follow. You are doing / you need to do what it needs to be done. 
You are realizing / realized your potential.
You are realizing / realized your potential. You need to practice / you are practising what you preach !!! 
You are carrying / need to carry out your plans You are using / need to use your talents to get what you want. 
You are using / need to use your talents to get what you want. 
You need to know what you are doing and why you are doing and think whether you are / will be ready to face the consequences (good or bad) 
You need to understand your intentions and acknowledge your motivations as well as examining your situation.
Master for The Magician is Master Hilarion
 Herb for Magician is Astralogus as seen on Herbal Tarot

Magician- Herbal Tarot
Magician- Herbal Tarot

Deck Used Here

Zombie Tarot 

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