01 July 2021

10 of Cups-Sherlock Holmes Tarot

Sherlock Holmes Tarot - 10 of Cups
Sherlock Holmes Tarot - 10 of Cups
10C is trying to tell us that you are having happy moments at this time, happy family life 10C is about celebrations, happy times, happy event, marriages, unions. 
Sherlock Holmes Tarot - 10 of Cups
Sherlock Holmes Tarot - 10 of Cups
You might feel like you are hypnotized these days, it is the happiness is making you to feel like hypnotized Basically it is a good day for having fun, enjoying your time with your loved ones, friends and family 
If you are in a relationship but not yet engaged or married, you might receive a proposal.
If you are married but don't have a child, and wanting to have a child, you might get what you wished for. 

If you are single don't worry about being single because you'll soon meet your other half. soon.
 Your health will be good during this time, as long as you have good mental health. 

Please don't have high ego, it is not going to help anyone around you, especially in your work circles. . 
Don't worry about money so much, money will come when the time is right. 

Herb for 10 of Cups is Marijuana as seen on The Herbal Tarot 
10 of Cups - Marijuana - Herbal Tarot
10 of Cups is Marijuana
10 of Cups indicates everything is fine on your career.
 Soon you'll be seeing the results of your hard work
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