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10 of Wands - Everyday Witch Tarot

10 of Wands - Everyday Witch Tarot
10 of Wands - Everyday Witch Tarot
10 of Wands is bringing us the news that we have been waiting for, finally the light at the end of the tunnel 
 Good news you have passed that non stop circle of bad days and struggles. You have spend so much time and energy and now you are free of that luggage, weight on your shoulders 
Finally you can reward yourself 
10 of Wands - Everyday Witch Tarot
10 of Wands - Everyday Witch Tarot
You became the problem solver in your circle (friends, family) but this comes with a lot of responsibilities, it's a new challenge ( ah those challenges never ends, probably when it ends life will end.) but those challenges needed to be successful 
Your business is getting better but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities, you need to remain, calm & patient, you need to know your priorities and solve the relevant problems. 
Problem free life is the dream of all of us, but it's not always possible, life is about taking responsibility and knowing your responsibilities, all of us have responsibilities, to our society, family, friends, job etc. 
Challenges will keep coming, life is not bed of roses like in the movies, you don't get your dream job, wife / husband / girlfriend / boyfriend, that dream home with a pool, a puppy, a luxury car and the most beautiful kids in the world as soon as you graduate from school, yet we are lucky if we can find a decent job

This card is telling you "This is real world, people should be moderate, they need to understand, that they cannot solve everything, they need to let go of some other things, we can't get everything we want.

10 of Wands indicates whatever we are experiencing right now is as a result of negative & positive forces.  

it's a new cycle and also a transition.

 You have a task that you want to finish, maybe you have finished or you are about to finish maybe you have not even started it yet,  but it is a burden on your shoulders, you want it to be successful, this gives you a lot of stress.

To avoid stress just reevaluate / rethink and find a way of avoiding too much stress.

Take what you can handle.

Maybe you accepted the task because it sounded like a nice idea, a change for you but now it became unbearable. 

You can not bare / cope well with challenges. 

Don't eat more than you can lift.

If you keep on going with your task there will be major delays.

The cause of delays might be 

a- you are bored

b-you are struggling 

c- you are burnt out

d- you are not focusing well enough

   If you focus well enough you'll succeed.  

10 of Wands can cause stress, unhappiness and lack of sleep

Forget about your ego & pride when the subject is completing your task.

10W also indicates you are not in peace with yourself. 
Don't try doing so many things at once, unless you're juggler .   

You need to address your issues and find a solution to fix them. 

You have got a lot of responsibilities to achieve and hold on to your success. 
To be able to do that you need to be grounded and prioritize your tasks, give your energy to your relevant tasks.
This is the dark period in your life before the light happy times comes along.
Be patient, more tolerant and not to use your powers to get out your anger from others. You'll over come these difficult times but you need to be patient, strong and as cool as a cucumber. 
Maybe you'll feel better if you share your burdens with others, 
10 of Wands indicates that unfortunately more burdens are coming to your way. If you have elderly and ill parents and if you have been looking after them for so long, this might be causing you feeling like that. 
It is not only that your love life doesn't look great either. 
10 Wands indicates you are also burdened in your love life.
Your love life is no longer fun.  

You feel like your partner is taking you for granted. 
Unfortunately you think your partner is not doing anything for you or for your relationship and this is causing stress on you.
You feel like you have been carrying weight on your shoulders
There are things you can not take / handle anymore.  

You feel like your relationship based on obligations now. 

You feel neglected as your loved one is not showing you the attention you need.

You also feel like you don't have time for dating / looking for a new person.
  Take care of yourself. physically and mentally

Maybe your partner is also going through the same burdens you are going through, have you ever thought about this? 
it's obvious that your relationship is going through hard times...
Either you make it or break it..
The choice is yours
 There is one-thing for sure and that's your relationship needs examining.  

Your relationship needs support.
You won't gain anything by pretending like everything is fine, OK in your relationship. Please don't be desperate and give the right decision for yourself. 
Don't overload yourself with the stress of work or with the stress of your relationship.
Maybe better asking your colleagues to give you a hand so you don't have to be under so much stress.
You are also struggling financially. 
.Ask help if you need any help financially. 
Stress and burdens not helping your health. 
You need to take care of your self first. 
The Herb for 10 of Wands are Prickly Ash Bark, as seen on The Herbal Tarot 

Prickly Ash Bark 10 of Wands
Prickly Ash Bark - 10 of Wands

Prickly Ash Bark
Prickly Ash Bark

Deck Used Here

Everyday Witch Tarot

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