
4 of Wands - Tarot of the 78 doors | All About Paranormal } -->

4 of Wands - Tarot of the 78 doors

4 of wands - Tarot of the 78 doors
4 of wands - Tarot of the 78 doors
The 4 of Wands tells us that you may be attending a social gathering and you'll be enjoying more than you'd think of.
 Although like everyone you also deserve some fun, you deserve to treat yourself but it's not a time to have a full rest and fun.. 
4 of wands - Tarot of the 78 doors
4 of wands - Tarot of the 78 doors
This card sometimes might mean a possible relocation, moving a house.
Things should be going well on your job / work wise. Yeah you had success & fun.
But you need to continue working hard not fall, you need to hold that success
So don't take things for granted. 
People will slowly recognizing / will recognize your success.
You are reflecting on your accomplishments.
You have just opened your self to new possibilities and you let go of the things limiting yourself.
The Herb for 4 of Wands is Fennel Seeds
4 of Wands indicates you might be going on a holiday that you wanted to go for such a long time. 
 4 of Wands tells us that everything is well & positive in you life & relationship. If you had any problems, your problems will end soon. 
 You might be meeting up your friends soon, time to spent some time with your friends & family. 
 You have got inner peace & so does everyone around you feels in peace, when you are happy everyone around you feel your happiness. 
 4 of Wands indicates that you are enjoying your romance at this time. 
If you are having problems in your relation ship let bygones be bygones. Live for today, don't live with the weights of yesterday, enjoy your life today..
You are also currently happy with your work & work partners 
 You made new friends, and you have a better environment at work. 
You enjoy working in an environment like this. There might office parties, maybe a welcome or a good bye one, or even a baby shower in the office. This type of events will bring colleagues together. It makes it easier to bond. 
4 of Wands indicates stability for you & your family. If you want to make your loved ones happy, buy them small gifts. 

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