02 July 2021

5 of Swords - Gothic Tarot

5 of Swords - Gothic Tarot
5 of Swords - Gothic Tarot
When 5 of Swords appear it might mean (that's one of the nasty cards) 
 You are having conflicts, disagreements disagreements. 
 You may feel as if everyone and everything is against you. 
A no win situation. You need to accept the reality when 5S is showing, you need to be honest with yourself & with your partner. 
5 of Swords - Gothic Tarot
5 of Swords - Gothic Tarot
It might well be you are having a fight with yourself, inner self.
 You might be jumping one disastrous relationship to another one. 
You are at a place that you feel imprisoned, tied, you want to escape but you can't. Metaphorically you're chained at where you are at the moment and you can't move on.
You need to sacrifice & endure things until, you're ready to move on to the next chapter. No pain no gain.
 You might have a friends or other people around you that are trying to get benefit of you. 
"Friends with Benefits" When 5 of Swords appear it might mean (that's one of the nasty cards)
Legal battles in between couples during divorce - separation.
 You need to accept the reality when 5S is showing, you need to be honest with yourself ; & with your partner 5S is one of the most unwelcomed cards in tarot. 
 It's a disappointment, failure.
Herb for 5 of Swords is Mistletoe as seen on The Herbal Tarot
Deck Used Here

Gothic Tarot

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