15 September 2021

Goddess Sekhmet & Fire Agate - Passion Of The Lionheart - Crystal Mandala Oracle

 Goddess Sekhmet & Fire Agate - Passion Of The Lionheart - Crystal Mandala Oracle


“We bring you the empowerment of passion of the lion heart. Through passion you will dedicate yourself with an intensity and discipline that may surprise you.

Passion is love activated. It is energy that moves you from within and empowers you to act in the world in ways you would not otherwise dare to even consider.

Passion gives you strength, plugs you into the eternal energy of sacred fire, and generates the ability to accomplish tasks you once may not have believed possible. With great passion there can be great pain. 


 Goddess Sekhmet & Fire Agate - Passion Of The Lionheart - Crystal Mandala Oracle

The heart that loves wild and open, is also the heart that can feel disappointment and doubt most keenly.

The empowerment of the lion heart strengthens your heart to recover from any pain through the power of courage, commitment and bold, loving devotion to what matters most to you.”

“There are those that will be led through life by the cool light of their inner knowing, and whose that will be led by their heart, by their dreams and aspirations.

Those led by their heart need passionate purpose, a sense of meaningful motivating desire, to gain energy and accomplish great things.

They have tremendous divine potential because they are less limited by the constraints of the mind. Where the mind may analyze and reflect and choose to opt out of a particular task, the heart will be moved by compassion and engage fully and completely with what needs to be done, no matter if it seems unlikely to succeed.

This is when the bold daring heart is at it’s most beautiful – pulling off what seemed to be unlikely, or even impossible, by sheer force of commitment to what it loves the most.

The passionate heart needs reassurance too however. It needs to know it is allowed to love dreams that don’t make sense. It is allowed to be daring, to take risks and to put faith in what can be, even if more logic-oriented minds question the sanity of such an action. Great changes happen when wild dreamers let their love loose in the world.

The passion of the lion heart can inspire a meeker soul to find the sassiness and the spirit they didn’t even know they had, and join the wild lion army of sacred soul warriors fighting with peace for love on Earth.

This oracle comes to you with a message. Trust your passion and your heart. Believe in what moves you most. The desires in your heart are there by divine design.

They are as they are meant to be. You are here to further your journey of trusting in the heart. Whether that means you have been a raging divine lion for many years, or are just starting to wonder if you can turn your quiet truths into a mighty roar, you are being invited to go deeper into the passion of your heart and live your divine purpose with courage and conviction.

If your heart is tired, broken, overwhelmed, despairing, doubting or suffering from compassion fatigue (where you know you still care but you can’t summon the energy to feel anything in that moment), this oracle brings you comfort. Rest. Heal. Replenish.

Your passion has not faded, but you must give yourself the time you need to recover from your remarkable exertions. Allow your passion to motivate you, not burn you out.

Take the time you need, allow the Divine to heal you, and know your shining lion heart shall burn bright with energy again soon.

The oracle also brings you comfort if you feel you are lacking in courage, passion or emotional motivation, and perhaps suffering not only from fatigue, but apathy, depression or despair too.

You are going to overcome anything and everything that stands in the way of your loving heart, burning bright with sacred fire. The fierce face of the Divine Mother is upon your precious heart and she will intervene on your behalf.

Do not doubt the extent and power of her love for you. Nothing can overcome it. She always wins. Empower her to help you with the following healing process. Do it as often as needed until you feel the fire of her in your heart. Do not force; be patient, but give yourself the support you need by doing the healing process. The Divine Mother will take care of the rest.”

Healing Process: “To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now:

I call upon the Crystal Angel of Fire Agate and Goddess Sekhmet who love me unconditionally.

Than you for the divine healing empowerment of passion of the lion heart. May all hearts know their true passion through divine grace and unconditional love.

May all hearts be empowered according to divine wisdom, to express their passion in service to the greatest good. May all hearts be healed through divine compassion. May the truth of love shine fully upon the Earth. Through divine grace and my own free will, so be it.”

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Crystal Mandala Oracle 

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