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Empress - Silver Witchcraft Tarot

Empress -  Silver Witchcraft Tarot
Empress -  Silver Witchcraft Tarot
Empress is advising you to be kind to yourself, take care of yourself & love yourself. You'll be diva for a day & you'll be pampered by your loved ones. 
You'll be in an excellent mood today, so while you are on a good mood, take advantage of this and have some fun. 
Empress -  Silver Witchcraft Tarot
Empress -  Silver Witchcraft Tarot
Listen to your intuitions, try to have a pleasant and nice day. Empress also tells us about new beginnings but keep in my those new beginnings won't come over a night You are developing on the emotions wise, 
Empress will bring new beginnings as I mentioned above but it's still in incubation period, you need to patient .
 Try to spend your time in creative things.
She's represented by planet Venus. Empress represents child birth / pregnancy, so you might be pregnant or you might be thinking of getting pregnant. You are ready for motherhood. E
Empress also represents love, beauty, compassion. Empress ruled by the Earth / Libra 
Empress is the Queen Mother that we all have / had, a powerful figure, could be mother, elder sister, aunt, grandma, boss etc 
It's a great time to make investments, buying / selling property, putting some money into bank. 
Empress is asking you to be more disciplined It's a perfect time to be more creative, working on projects that you want to do. 
Empress bring prosperity, If you want to have a baby, it's time perfect time to start trying for a baby. During this time listen to your inner voice closely. Fill your heart and soul with fresh hope 
Acknowledge what you have and be grateful. You have planted your seeds, now it's time to harvest. It's time to reap. 
 Look forward to happy times. Don't built castles in the sky.
The Herb for Empress is Dong Quai
Ascended Master for The Empress is Paul The Venetian
Empress brings the news of growth & wealth. 


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