
Fairy of The Green World - Faery Forest Oracle | All About Paranormal } -->

Fairy of The Green World - Faery Forest Oracle

Fairy of The Green World - Faery Forest Oracle
Fairy of The Green World - Faery Forest Oracle

This card is asking you to go Green.

Be a little bit more thoughtful of nature

Fairy of The Green World - Faery Forest Oracle
Fairy of The Green World - Faery Forest Oracle

Plant some flowers if you have a garden, Buy plants if you don't have a garden to plant.
  You can donate to charities that supports protecting nature.,

Donate to charities that are against animal cruelty.

If you are a female you can start consuming cruelty free make up & skin care.

You can start consuming more vegetables, you can become a vegetarian.

You can try to spend more time in nature.
Try consuming plant based pills for your health.

You can try detox for a week.

This card is also telling us that you have been indoors for a long time and it's time for you to go out and take some fresh air.

This is a strong message for you to spend time alone outdoors.

I know that this is a message for me, It's asking me to go out and spend time outside if possible in nature.

Lucky enough I live in a pretty green town, and by the river..

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Faery Forest Oracle

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