05 July 2021

Knight of Swords - The Ghost Tarot

Knight of Swords - The Ghost Tarot
Knight of Swords - The Ghost Tarot
 If you are expecting to hear news from someone or something, you'll hear what you want to hear.

Knight of Swords means loads of travel and stuff to accomplish

You might have been rather pessimistic lately and you think you'll highly unlikely hear some good news but no need to be pessimistic and dark you'll hear some good news.
Knight of Swords - The Ghost Tarot
Knight of Swords - The Ghost Tarot
Knight of Swords be domineering and as well as over bearing 
The good thing about Knight of Swords are they can adjust to circumstances, so if you want to be happy you just need to adjust. 
Knights of Swords are intelligent & responsible, You need to be responsible, clever, intelligent, being trustworthy & having a good inner strength is important. 
  This type of people make good friends.
You might have multi million tasks & ideas on your mind and you are a person who just quickly decide, and get bored, end up dropping the tasks you have started

Knight of Swords indicates that everything will come out nice at the end of the journey you have started. 
Life is filled with wars and if you are determined & patient enough you'll win at the end. 
Nothing can be gained without a certain amount of pain. 
Don't give up, be patient, determined and you'll see that you'll end up with victory.
You also need to learn to stand up for yourself.  

Put your fears, anxieties into a corner, into box close lid,  have courage and take action.
Don't be scared to express your own opinions but it doesn't mean you'll have no filter (if you know what I mean, don't speak when you are angry let it cool down and than speak)
If you are job hunting, you may get the job you want. Keep focused. 
Don't let other to tell you what to do. If you are single, someone that you dreamt of all your life will come into your life. 
. The Knight of Swords indicates about a situation that's about to change on your favour
Don't get involved with people who acts without thinking twice, this person could be a friend, a colleague, or your enemy.    . 
The wheel of fortune might turn on the unlucky side for a short while, but the situation will change quickly.  

But it will disrupt your life (I personally gone through those distributions since Dec 2019, the most disturbing ones are the refurbishment of my bathroom & kitchen, all took over 15 days, and I don't wanna see any builder, repairmen in my flat ever again, I spent 1 month on & off  in hotel rooms when they were doing my bathroom, was so annoying, it disturb my everyday life, my routine )  
You'll have positive opportunities after the unlucky period. 
Also KS indicates about a person who will stand by you, this person has a positive energy
Knight of Swords might be an Air Sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra.
If you are in a relationship Knight of Swords indicates you are in a relationship with a person who is like minded.
You are also expecting more than just a commitment in a relationship if you are not married with that person. 
If you are single Knight of Swords indicates you will meet that person that you have been looking for soon. 
On the other hand Knight of Swords are not really committed to a relationship, they find it hard to commit and they do get bored very easily. 

Knight of Swords are ambitious and determined. 

They know what to achieve and how to achieve. 

So Be Bold and don't let anything to stop you what you want to achieve. 

Go after what you want! 

There will be a big change in your career, you might get a promotion, you might be transferred to another department or branch, it is a big change on the industry you are working, maybe even a new job is waiting you. 

Whatever is the change, it is going to be a positive one
Also change of career means to you will have more money in your pocket, therefore you'll be fine financially 
Herb for Knight of Swords is  Wild Cherry Bask as seen on The Herbal Tarot 
Wild Cherry Bask - Herbal Tarot

Deck Used Here
The Ghost Tarot

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