
Temperance - Santa Muerte Tarot | All About Paranormal } -->

Temperance - Santa Muerte Tarot

Temperance - Santa Muerte Tarot
Temperance - Santa Muerte Tarot
You have remained to be calm so far, which is a great thing, if we take the amount of the stress and anxiety you are / have been going through, that's a big step and great achievement. 
But there's actually a person who's masterminding some events to give you stress and anxiety, and that person is doing her / his best not letting you to have peace. 

 That person is determined to give you stress and anxiety, however you need find the balance and you need to find a way of progressing slowly, the only way will be cutting the cords

Temperance - Santa Muerte Tarot
Temperance - Santa Muerte Tarot

Temperance tells us, now you know what to do, you gave your decision, you know what to achieve. 

 Consider this as a lesson that you need / needed to learn , a journey that you have to / had to go through your life, 

 Temperance also tells us that you need to find peace within yourself to progress. You also need to find balance & harmony, You need to be calm, don't get angry, no matter how many times people try to make you angry, don't be temperamental


Temperance card is about, Friendships, family, partnerships (romantic - business-work), all need your attention, mixing and matching., you need to keep on trying until you find the right one. 
 Herb for Temperance is Echinacea, as seen on The Herbal Tarot 

Temperance is about patience, balance & peace .
Temperance indicates you have find your own peace & patience,

You are now experienced and learned from past mistakes not to be dragged out in conflicts, especially other people's conflicts. 

Temperance also tells us that you are in peace with yourself & small issues no longer hurts you. 

You are now loyal to your goals and you are determined to reach them.  

You know what you want to achieve. 

You can also control your anxiety & stress (wish I can say the same, as being a Gemini, it is a part of my life)

Also Temperance tells us that you have social & moral values and you stand by your values.
You can adapt and mix with others easily, this helps you to work, adapt and communicate with others without having problems.

You are easy going, and you give comfort to people. .

Temperance indicates  you'll have the time and patience evaluate / reevaluate your priorities. 






If you are in a relationship Temperance indicates you are getting on well, and your relationship is going good, you are in lovely, committed relationship but if you are having issues it will be solved.

If you are single, you need to open a space in your life for new love.

To have a good relationship without any arguments, disagreements, you need to be patient and understanding, you both need to sacrifice not just one part. After that you can have a peaceful relationship.

If you are deticated to your goals, there is nothing that you can not achieve. Temperance also warns you not to jump into first job offer you think it'd be good for you, wait, have patience and consider all the offers before giving a decision.

Remember patience is a virtue

It's normal to have career goals and wanting to change your jobs / career but you need to be patient, you need to steady, don't be money oriented and decide go on the highest paying job, just decide wisely.

It's not a good time for risky investments either.

Let your money grow slowly, and save little by little. 

 Temperance warns you about your eating habits, if you keep your eating habits in control and exercise, your health will be better, a bit of balanced diet..   

 You need to listen to your instincts for guidance if you are ever in dilemma.

The Ascended Master of Temperance is Serapis Bey and he's a member of Great White Brotherhood.. That my friends tells us that things are going to be fine, fingers crossed :) Hope this scam will be exposed.
His master was Morya.
As seen on Keepers of The Light Kyle Gray
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