17 August 2021

The Star-Pagan Tarot

Yes The star is telling you there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but it doesn't give you false hopes, it tells you there'll be bad times before you reach to good times.

Life is not bed of roses, life is full of good and bad times, when you understand & accept to learn this, you'll learn to be happy in life, 


Life is about hopes.

You need to be more confident.

You've gone through the hard times, and you have get through these challanges without losing your hope.

You proved that you are determined, patient and strong.

Everything will change gradually,

Star tells you either you achieved your goals by going through hardships, or you have to go through hardships to achieve your goals

Know that you are special, luck is just around the corner.

Hope and optimism can be a powerful, it is good to be hopeful & optimistic but not too much! Just don't see the world through the rose tinted glasses.

Have some confidence so that you start a new and move on. Life goes on and life is too short to worry about things and stress yourself out over small things.

Herb for The Star is Skullcap

Ascended Master for Star is Lord Maitreya

Deck Used Here 

Pagan Tarot 

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*Image Source for Lord Maitreya :http://metafisicacolombia.com/web/blog/2019/01/05/maitreya-espiritu-envolvente-2019/