21 October 2021

A Blessing of Brigid's Flame - Faery Blessing Cards

A Blessing of Brigid's Flame - Faery Blessing Cards
A Blessing of Brigid's Flame - Faery Blessing Cards


SHE CHOOSES to bring you her gift, now, a faery blessing to light the darkness and bring warmth to you once again.

Her heart is aflame, her eyes like two green lakes, and her hair afield of gold, she is the goddess Brigid.

A Blessing of Brigid's Flame - Faery Blessing Cards
A Blessing of Brigid's Flame - Faery Blessing Cards


She who unites us, she who protects us, she who inspires us, has claimed you, as under her watch and protection.

Brigid is a faery goddess of Hame Hame from the cleanest, most primal source. Her name means "bright arrow" — almost as if she is a ray of light directly from the sun.

And this fiery ignition is key to the birthing of ideas and ideals,and thus, in this way, she brings her fire to your blessing, and ensures you will be warmed, that sacred hospitality will reign, that all will be welcomed, that solar light will burn brightly for you.

Her heart is aflame, her eyes like two green lakes, and her hair afield of gold, she is the goddess Brigid.

Brigid's faery light is a brightness that brings warmth, new life,even the rebirth of our souls to us all.Brigid is able, with her faery flame, to burn away within us whatever is harming us, and she is able to illuminate our very best traits with it, too. 

She will help you, who receives this blessing of her holy fires, move further into your own creative power in healthy, beneficial ways that help people contribute from their very best selves. 

She oversees creative endeavours: poetry, so the words are spoken will touch our souls; she is a smith, so she helps us to create alchemy the bringing together of differences in order to create something greater, something united. 

And she is transcendent of labels call her what you will, goddess, saint,pagan,faerie woman she will bring wealth and healing and great good to all who receive this blessing.
Where her sacred flame is peace is sound, inspiration is birthed, goodness abounds,abundance flows creativity is celebrated, and a sense of united purpose completes us and brings us home.

She is the Faery Goddess, and she has walked forward with a rand ? lit from home within her heart, and her fire shall unite and delight you who receives its gift this day.
Blessings, human child, and may Brigid, the Swan, the nurturer, the sword-maiden,the Mother, the Faerie Goddess of the Old Lands be with you.
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