27 August 2021

New Opportunity - Healing with the Fairies

New Opportunity - Healing with the Fairies
New Opportunity


“Be aware of a huge new opportunity being presented to you. It is safe for you to trust and enter into this new realm.

“A momentous opportunity is being presented to you. It could be in the form of someone making a business proposal to you, a new idea that enters your ind, or an investment opportunity.

It could even come in the form of a loss, in which you are about to gain something even more suitable. 


New Opportunity - Healing with the Fairies

Even though you may feel intimidated or unqualified to more to the next level, be assured that heaven is reaching its hand through the window, guiding and protecting you as you soar upward.

If you need help trusting the validity of the new opportunity, pray for spiritual guidance. You will soon believe in the trustworthiness of this gift, and you will know that  you deserve heaven’s help.

This card does have a message of release, that there may be something sacrificed for the higher good, an idea, value, dream or security that must be set free in order to let the new, expanded version enter your life.

I notice and embrace the new opportunities that are now in my life.

This card is telling us no matter what & how our conditions are it's about the change. for better.   

But nothing comes for free, you need to lose something to gain something.  

We'te no longer in charge unfortunately.   

We have to lose control, charge for the greater good !!  

Have faith in things and do not just give up yet 

Be comitted to things and stay in the right direction. 

Trust ..

Deck Used Here 

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