08 August 2021

Upcoming Tarot & Oracle Decks

Celtic Spirit Oracle
Celtic Spirit Oracle

Celtic Spirit Oracle

The Elemental beings, Celtic gods and goddesses represent the energies that work through this deck, and their messages at times are so subtle - like a whisper that gets lost in our noisy way of life

Some people are able to hear their messages if they slow down enough to listen.

This oracle is born from artist/author Nicola McIntosh's Celtic shamanic work and her Celtic lineage. The Celts had a deep understanding of nature's cycles and the importance of working with nature and its Elemental beings, which is evident in their artwork, myths and legends.

This deck will be coming out

You can buy this deck for £17.00 It'll come out Feb/22 (AU/NZ), Mar/22 (US), Feb/22 (UK) 

Celtic Spirit Oracle

Sacred Sea Oracle

Sacred Sea Oracle

Sacred Sea Oracle

Sacred Sea Oracle

Dolphin Spirit

Lobster Spirit
Algae medicine mother

Algae Medicine Mother

Lobster Spirit

Dolphin Spirit 

Sea Goddess of self mastery

Ocean Oracle

sea queen of waves 

sacred burial temple

Priestess of purity

Sea goddess of creativity

Mantra ray mother

whale gate keeper

The Sacred Sea Oracle was inspired by the lost land of Lemuria and by extraordinary visions and channellings seen in meditative journeys.

In this oracle you will find images of the most revered and powerful energies deep within the sacred sea painted by intuitive visionary artist Justine Serebrin.

As you dive in and begin working with this deck you will meet the keepers of the sacred sea codes and discover new sacred sites and secret gateways. You will form friendships with sea animal spirits while working closely alongside sea priestesses and sea mothers, goddesses and queens, ancient master beings who are surfacing to assist in the creation of a reborn earth.

Tune into the frequencies of each sacred sea essence and help create a new civilisation and economic and planetary systems of sustainability for the human race to revel in.

It will come out Nov/21 (AU/NZ), Nov/21 (US), Nov/21 (UK) You can buy this deck The Sacred Sea Oracle for £16.99

Divine Tea Time Inspiration Cards


This series of stunning, watercolour cards are designed to provide a gentle and profound experience of tea making while also offering accompanying affirmations to help further enrich your life. It is broken down into 4 chapters - herb, flower, fruit, spice - each including 10 different tea recipes and a beautiful card opener for each section.

The front of each card has a unique tea illustration and the back includes a simple recipe with a corresponding aspiration. The simple recipes are an excellent starting point for home tea-brewers, and the charming pamphlet works to immerse experienced home tea-brewers with further insight and understanding as to how to infuse herbs, flowers, fruits, and spices.

Readers are able to choose a card that embodies an emotion they would like to heal or enhance. The ritual of tea making in Divine Tea Time provides a meditative channel and timeless tool to awaken your consciousness, heal your soul, and kickstart your energy levels.

This beautiful card deck makes a perfect gift or a treat for any tea lover.

This deck will come out Jan/22 (AU/NZ), Mar/22 (US), Jan/22 (UK)You can buy Divine Tea Time Inspiration Cards for £17.00

Master Teacher Crystal Oracle: Super crystals that empower

The spiritual guides known as the master teacher crystal devas have gifted this powerful oracle to humanity as a blessing from the crystal kingdom.

They offer these cards as a tool for you to work with as you become empowered, self-aware and conscious in your day-to-day life.

The energy of the crystals and cards acts as a reflection of where you are at emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically and will assist you to integrate mastery into your life in a grounding and long-lasting way.

The deck is made up of 22 original master teacher crystals plus an extra 11 that have been channelled especially for this oracle.

The devas offer their medicine, wisdom and guidance through the deck and are alive in the cards, so you are encouraged to work closely with them to get the most out of this sacred tool.

The cards offer divine guidance, confirmations, signs and a deeper clarity around possible challenges or situations you are currently experiencing.

You can consult the deck if you need confirmation on a specific issue or answers to questions, or if you are simply looking to create deeper awareness and healing in your life.

A wonderful tool that will assist you to navigate the challenges of life and encourage and support you to awaken and activate the master within.

Relased dates Aug/21 (AU/NZ), Oct/21 (US), Sep/21 (UK) You can buy Master Teacher Crystal Oracle for £13.59

The Macabre Tarot

Are you ready to let your skin crawl?

Are you ready to get lost in the night?

Are you ready to embrace everything that lives in the shadows? Step into the darkness and release our fears.

A 78-card tarot deck that calls you to turn away from the light and explore your own shadow; includes a 22-card major arcana and 4 minor arcana suits. Also included is a detailed guidebook. While following the traditional tarot structure, the deck takes a look at the darker sides of the cards and implores you to embrace all the spooky things that lurk in the dark. You will be pushed down the rabbit hole of your own psyche and forced to face your darkest thoughts.

Be warned: this deck is not for the light-hearted or weak spirited.

This deck will be released Nov/21 (AU/NZ), Dec/21 (US), Dec/21 (UK)You can buy The Macabre Tarot for £22.00

Oriens Animal Tarot

This animal-themed card deck reflects nature through mythical and ethereal means and is rich in animal symbolism, allowing you to spiritually connect with the universe and yourself through the exquisite art of divination.

The deck is suitable for beginners, enthusiasts and advanced tarot readers. Featuring 78 unique animal illustrations, it also makes a great gift for art enthusiasts.

This deck will be released in Nov/21 (AU/NZ), Nov/21 (US), Nov/21 (UK) You can buy Oriens Animal Tarot for £19.35

Grunge Tarot

A highly symbolic deck born in the Grunge music subculture, the Grunge Tarot is an adventure that crosses the mysterious world of archetypes to arrive at the heart of the 1990s and grunge.

Starting from grunge, this deck of cards aims to recreate the atmosphere and the impact of great rock stars as the restlessness of an era, highlighting the search for identity among extremes.

It is the dreamy and transgressive imagination of the Fool that begins every path, ready to lose himself or be redeemed.

A grain of truth can exist anywhere, even in the pockets of an old checkered shirt, backstage at a concert, or in the doubts and vulnerability of adolescence.

This deck will be released on Nov/21 (AU/NZ), Nov/21 (UK) You can buy Grunge Tarot for £19.00

Ask the Witch Tarot

In the fascinating world of Tarot cards, this deck has something more to offer, both to complete beginners and to expert readers.

Every Major Arcana introduces the readers to a famous witch and in the Minor Arcana, witches as well as their tools and animals are divided into categories that correspond to the four elements of fire, water, air and earth.

The witches found in the deck are aged savages, ancient fairies, fallen goddesses, nocturnal crea¬tures, lords of chaos and explorers of cusps. They come from the various traditions the world over, to gather beyond the mist and under the moon.

This deck will be released Nov/21 (AU/NZ), Nov/21 (UK) You can buy Ask the Witch for £20.99

Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle

And the Wheel turns! Yule reminds us of warmth, happiness, and a time to be thankful for all that we have.

For centuries ancient healers have celebrated the restorative energy of the Yuletide festival, the traditional harsh winters reminding us of our impressive ability to weather tough storms and find support and comfort with loved ones.

In Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle you'll discover 44 healing messages to align you with the divine wisdom of the year's darkest night and the joyful celebration associated with the winter holidays. This oracle is your path to deep reflection and tranquility and is a promise of the brighter days to come.

This deck will be released Sep/21 (AU/NZ), Sep/21 (US), Sep/21 (UK) you can buy Seasons of the Witch Yule Oracle for £14.95

Mystic Martian Oracle

We are all cosmic star seeds, birthed from wonders beyond the extraordinary, hoping to fully awaken into our self-aware enlightened universe. The Great Sky Gods have silently been visiting and monitoring is Earthlings since the beginning of time.

This deck is designed and intended as a guideline of extraterrestrial species which transcend and co-exist within the human and genetic mind.

Each card is beautifully designed as a symbolic and representational conduit for a specific archetype and has key words that include metaphysical, emotional and psychological feelings, and everyday practical meanings.

The vast array of aliens is immense, multi layered and even at times convoluted. They keep a mindful eye on us individually and collectively. They observe our successes and our failures, and everything in between.

Open your eyes and stretch your insight into far broader horizons, and allow these Great Sky Gods to impart their wise guidance and wisdom from multidimensional perceptions.

May you welcome the ancient Sky Beings that are forever watching over you.

This deck will be released Aug/21 (AU/NZ), Nov/21 (US), Sep/21 (UK) You can buy Mystic Martian Oracle for £13.59


Paradise Found Oracle

Embark on an initiation into the secret teachings of the ages with this ascension accelerator. This oracle's soulful, heart-centred words and images are encoded with light and wisdom, offering activations for greater joy and fulfilment.

Journey to Atlantis and Lemuria to prepare for higher-dimensional living on the new earth. Reconnect with the wisdom of the goddess to reinvent relationships for lasting fulfillment, and delve deeply into Egyptian mysteries and the Essene way of life to activate your divine blueprint.

Discover cutting-edge healing technologies while you learn the secrets of alchemy to create the outcomes you desire with greater ease.

Embark on a quest for the Holy Grail, reignite your Christ light and explore the timeless indigenous wisdom of the first peoples for more clarity about your soul's mission. Gain greater access to your gifts and talents with spiritual guidance from ascended masters and Eastern mystics.

All this and more awaits the initiate at the gate of this paradise. Are you ready to more fully embody your divine truth and power, to become an instrument of sacred service and a healing force through your very presence? The world needs you now; welcome!

This deck will be released Sep/21 (AU/NZ), Sep/21 (US), Sep/21 (UK) 

You can buy Paradise Found Oracle for £14.95

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