09 September 2021

5 of Rods - Hanson Roberts Tarot

5 of Rods - Hanson Roberts Tarot
5 of Rods - Hanson Roberts Tarot

Go to the woods: to moss, to mud, to magic.

The Five of Wands tells that you are experiencing conflicts and changes in your life.  

5W is about conflicts, this might be an existing one, which brew up in time and blew up with the last conflict. 

You may also having communication problems, you might be in a situation that both sides are not listening one of the other that's why you are you are having conflicts, once you are patient enough to listen to each other conflicts will remain

5 of Rods - Hanson Roberts Tarot
5 of Rods - Hanson Roberts Tarot

5W tells about arguments, disagreements,fight, conflict, rows. It's a struggle, opposition, aggression, temper, battles in your life, these were existing before and slowly filling the bucket, and this is something that you need face eventually.

You are at a stage that you don't agree or understand people around you. 5W tells me your ego is through the roof these days, and you are clashing with people, you're irritable, unbearable, argumentative, frustrating ,you can not control your temper.

You might be a person who likes competitive sports, or martial arts, to burn of any excessive energy. 

You might be a person who doesn't like cooperation, I do get that, I prefer working solo as well.

Everyone have conflicts in their lives, not just only you, we are the stage that nobody wants to listen one of the other. .

They only want their voice to be heard and this is causing all the conflicts and arguments, everyone is arguments at once and it is creating aggression.

It can be solved if one of the other agrees to take the first step to start a decent conversation without arguing.

5 of Wands also indicates that you are gonna have to face some competition, this can be in your work environment or your school, there will be people with your skills or maybe with better skills, and you might be angry, jealous, envious, maybe a bit of greedy. 

You might have to face the music and accept here might be people better than you and look for ways to improve your skills and learn to cope with jealousy. 

Maybe you are also dealing with personal struggles on your own, but you need to identify and address these issues so you can find a solution to those issues.

5 of Wands is not a perfect card for love and relationships either, there are fights, conflicts and arguments in your relationship, there is a competition in between you two. 

Some people prefer fiery relationships but this card indicates this won't help you to develop your relationship. It will create an egotistical relationship. But it also indicates you might have many guys / girls trying to take your attention. 

Don't give too much attention & become forceful, if you are the ones who are showing attention.

Also the person you fancy also have too many suitors, do your best but don't be forceful.

When it comes to career as I said previously there might be people who are much better than you and might be angry, jealous, envious, maybe a bit of greedy

You might clash with your work partners & colleagues, and conflict with them. While doing these you might find yourself in the middle of chaos.

You might clash with your colleagues personally or you might clash with them due to the personality differences.

5 of Wands tells me you also work in a stressful environment like sports person, banking & finance, public relations, even you might be a stock broker.

If you are not working in one of those sectors, it means you have a competitive character and your job doesn't require competition, this might be a temporary issue, but your competitive character will help you to over come the difficulties you are facing.

5 of Wands tells me that you are financially struggling at the moment, your money is tight. 

This tells me half of your conflicts with your partner because of over spending or buying luxury items.

Your financial issues will be temporary, and if you play your cards right you'll be winner

In health 5W represents you have been cured successfully, but you need to reduce stress & anxiety, and probably time to stop adrenaline sports, otherwise you'll have high blood pressure issues.

You are spiritually blocked at the moment :( You need time to rest & heal yourself.

The Herb for 5 of Wands is Turmeric

Deck Used Here
Forest Fae Messages

Hanson Roberts

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