22 September 2021

Auralite - Crystals Spirit Oracle

Auralite - Crystals Spirit Oracle
Auralite - Crystals Spirit Oracle


Mindfulness, meditation on the present

To be mindful is to be aware of the now rather than distracted by the past or future and any thoughts of oughts, shoulds, and might-haves.

Your quest for healing requires discovering what you are truly thinking and feeling when you are not distracting yourself.

Auralite Spirit calls you to be mindful of your needs right now, for this may be a time to let tears flow or laughter arise, to recognize something so subtle that you previously missed it, or to understand that you are so much more than what you can accomplish or produce. 


Auralite - Crystals Spirit Oracle
Auralite - Crystals Spirit Oracle

Be here in this moment, fully present and accepting of what is.

Make the time to meditate today and simply observe what you know and feel, without starting to talk yourself out of it and into something else.

No matter how hard this moment may seem, simply by observing it you will change it.

Are you mindful of what is going on right now in your relationship—its qualities and patterns?

Auralite Spirit wants you to observe what is working so you can build upon it, and to see what is not working so you can begin to address it.

Be fully present in your relationships today. Meditate, and then, as you interact with those you love, pay attention—observing without judgment, noticing what is happening without spinning a story of shoulds and ought-to-haves.

Open your eyes, that you might deepen your love and connection; for now, your ability to be present and free of distractions is very strong.

Embrace your ability to be present in the now instead of lost in the past, thinking about the should- haves, or wandering aimlessly in the future, worried about the what-ifs. Auralite Spirit is here to amplify your consciousness of this moment and your experience of prosperity.

You have much to build upon, so let go of your fear and just see and know what is yours right now. What opportunities are at your door? What have you gathered—wisdom, knowledge, and wealth—that can remind you of your ability to bring about the prosperity you seek? Meditation will help you see the answers.
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Crystal Spirits Oracle

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