28 September 2021

Death - Tarot of the Hidden Realm

Death - Tarot of the Hidden Realm
Death - Tarot of the Hidden Realm

Unlike most of people think it doesn't necessarily predicts physical death 
Actually death card is one of the most positive things in the deck. 
It give us the news that something about to change in our lives.
It tells you that you need to put your past behind you and start a new. 
There is a door open to you, just enter from that door and focus on the new and concentrate get excited about the new things waiting you in this new beginning 
Death - Tarot of the Hidden Realm
Death - Tarot of the Hidden Realm

Now you have move into a new chapter of your life, all things / everything will change in time. 
And your journey in this life is not different. 
If you have been wrongly treated, this card is telling you that Karma will serve on your side, but if you had wrong doings, this card tells you karma won't be on your side this time.
 Be careful these days as you might or will lose something valuable important to you 
On this new journey to start a new the old you needs to die, only that way you can concentrate Time to move on no matter how scary it's 
Ascended Master for Death is El Morya

Herb is Elder Flower

Deck Used Here 

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