17 September 2021

Islot - Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck

Islot - Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck
Islot - Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck


  Isolt – Undying Love

“The love you have shared is eternal, regardless of the situation.”

Many are going through huge emotional turmoil either because a relationship that they thought was going to last a lifetime has ended or perhaps a loved one has crossed to the other side. 


Islot - Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck
Islot - Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck

This often leaves a big gap in their lives which they often find difficult to deal with and accept.

Their Soul has a contract with the other Soul involved, often bringing in lessons from previous lifetimes and although there is no physical knowledge of what is going to happen before hand the Soul has understood that this will happen no matter what.

Whether it is the ending of a relationship or the passing of your loved one you need to grieve what has happened. Anything that is a loss needs to be grieved and yet often many expect to just carry on as if nothing has happened which prevents the healing process from happening.

Your heart needs to heal from its grief, loneliness and in some cases feelings of betrayal.

You may feel that you are unable to access your inner wisdom because it has been quieted by the intense pain that you feel.

Call on the Beings of Light to assist you through this process. They will insure that the healing you need to undergo is swift and efficient. If you feel this is not enough though then seek professional counselling to assist you through this difficult patch.

Take some time for yourself and treat yourself with caution, gentleness and tenderness and most importantly allow your sense of spirit to revive which will enable you to once again take your place amongst the living.

Isolt says that she will help your heart to mend and that when it comes to matters of the heart help is all around you but especially inside of you! Love yourself unconditionally and allow your heart to heal and adapt exactly as it should!

Deck Used Here

Goddess Guidance Oracle

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