08 November 2021

Mountain Gorilla-The Secret Language of Animals

Mountain Gorilla-The Secret Language of Animals
Mountain Gorilla-The Secret Language of Animals

Once thought to be fierce and aggressive, Gorilla brings the gift of immense physical strength (about 20 times that of humans)through gentle reflection, grace in motion and mutual respect.

As our closest kin in the animal kingdom, Gorillas share 98% of our DNA, and their peaceful way of being reveals many of our most aspired attributes. 


They are highly intelligent and cooperative, inherently affectionate, considerate and inclusive of each other.

They form close bonds with those who live in their troop, and they share responsibility to care for both the young and the elders of their tribe.

They are highly intelligent and cooperative, inherently affectionate, considerate and inclusive of each other.

They never seek conflict and yet they are courageous and valiant in their commitment to protect their family from danger.

In power struggles with each other, Gorillas may raise their voice, beat their chest and even shake trees to assert themselves, but rarely will they use physical force against each other to maintain peace and balance in the group.

Shy and nomadic by nature, Mountain Gorillas make a fresh bed every evening from the branches, leaves and grasses of their surroundings.

As vegetarians, they serve the biodiversity of their environment by spreading the seeds of fruit and plants they eat throughout the forest.

When Gorilla comes into your word, she comes with the gift of reflection and deep inner calm born from the knowledge that you are strong beyond measure and wonderfully supported in this world.

Amisd the rapid pace, pressures and expectations of Modern life Gorilla calls you into the sanctity of your magnificence reminding you that you can create your own world based on values, of peace, trust, community and quiet abundance.

Honor the spirit of youth, both within you and around you.

Honor the spirit of youth, both within you and around you, Be also respectful ofyour elders.

Seek their wisdom and guidance doorway to the ancient knowing that dwell within your own being.

No matter what may be going on around you, Gorilla comes as a reminder that we always have the ability to take the higher ground to observe with great understanding, to demonstrate deep inner strength in how we Stand and speak and move.

DO not back down from challenge, but there is no need to chase it either.

You are stronger than you know.

Speak clearly and honestly from your stronger than you know.

Speak clearly and honestly from your centre Lead with a calm knowing and thoughtful consideration seeing always the path that will serve all.

Take time to share the simple magic of life with those you love.

There's no need to rush ahead. Move with quiet grace and the path will risk to meet you, providing abundantly for all of your needs.

Create comfort wherever you are by taking time for simple rituals rituals and self-care activities that put you in touch with the deep pace of your heart centre. Where is your private sanctuary? Go there, and find yourself within it.

I breathe deep into the sanctuary within me I am grounded. I am strong. I am whole and complete.

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The Secret Language of Animals 

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