25 October 2021

Changed in the Night -Alice The Wonderland Oracle

Changed in the Night -Alice The Wonderland Oracle
Changed in the Night -Alice The Wonderland Oracle

Changed in the Night "YOU HAVE CHANGED QUICKLY"


"SOMETIMES, we change slowly. A little change here, a small adjustment there, tiny shifts day by day, and over time we grow into a very different version of ourselves. 


Changed in the Night -Alice The Wonderland Oracle
Changed in the Night -Alice The Wonderland Oracle

But at other times,we feel like we have been changed in the night. Our day might suddenly, without any warning at all, be very queer indeed.

For Alice, and perhaps for you when you receive this card, there is a sense that so very much has changed in an instant, that the world has quite suddenly been turned upside down --- or right side up! And, we have not had a moment to grow used to this new reality,the way we now are or the rules of the world we find ourselves inhabiting.

When a time like this comes, we can be in shock, a little numb and have trouble finding our way back to the centre of ourselves.

If you feel you may have been changed in the night your life has changed quite dramatically, quite suddenly — then take a moment.

Remember your values, your feelings, yourself. Look about you, steady yourself and breathe in deep. You've been rocked and your sense of self, and of reality, is going to take a little time to resettle.

Continue to connect with your core self, be good to you and take it easy, but steadily. Remember, you are finding out who you truly are.

Until this moment, you only knew who you could be when faced with certain, predictable circumstances.

Now that so much has changed, you will find out so much more about yourself,and in time, this will enrich you so very much.

There might have sudden, unexpected changes in your life / You might receive shocking unexpected news.

You might have to adjusting to a new situation.

You might find this hard.It's not always easy to adjust to new situations. Try your best if it is the case, anxiety does not help adjusting to new situation, try to relax, do yoga & meditation if you can. If you can't do yoga or meditation, try hot bath with bath salts, avoid substance abuse.

You might be finding about who you are (might be literal: such as your ancestors, DNA, might be metaphorically speaking it about your spirituality)

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