13 October 2021

Lapus Lazuli - Crystal Reading Cards

Lapus Lazuli - Crystal Reading Cards
Lapus Lazuli - Crystal Reading Cards

“The heavenly blue of Lapis Lazuli with its golden flecks was a favourite of the Egyptians who linked it to the sun god Ra. It warded off calamities of all kinds and was one of the most auspicious stones in the ancient world.”

Self Understanding: “You are an immortal soul who has profound connection with the heavens. Your purpose is noble. You yearn for spiritual attunement, but may be hampered by outmoded viewpoints.

Take charge of your own life. Looking into the past, including other lives, puts your present experience into perspective. You are a lineage breaker. It takes effort to trace family history, but it is enlightening.”

“Flashes of intuition show the way. Open your heart and the third eye. Help comes from on high. Spiritual enlightenment is within your grasp.

Lapus Lazuli - Crystal Reading Cards

Enhanced perception shows what operates beneath consensual reality. Work with your dreams and journey inward to find deeper insights. More study or research is needed. Yours is the gift of true friendship. Protect yourself.”

“Lapis activates the psychic centers at the third eye, allowing one to develop enhanced intuition and access to spiritual guidance. It is a stone of visionary awareness, bringing new information to the mind in images rather than words.

It enhances intellectual ability, making one a better learner and teacher. It is a stone of truth and a stimulating influence to the throat chakra – therefore it assists one in both discerning and speaking the truth in all situations.

Lapis is a stone of initiation as well – gifting a friend with Lapis jewelry can be a catalyst for a mystical journey to higher awareness.

Lapis is often particularly attractive to individuals with past life connections to ancient Egypt, and meditating with the stone can assist them in recovering memories of those past lives, aiding evolution in the current incarnation.

“If you have been feeling stuck, stagnant or as though life is bringing you one problem after another, Lapis Lazuli is here to help you.

Drawing this card indicates that things around you are about to transform. There is a positive energy coming to you that will help you to let go of anything in your past or present that is holding you back.

As you dwell less on matters in your past, you will begin to feel this surge of new transformative energy. It is time now for you to focus upon your strengths, not your weaknesses. You have an incredible inner power that can get you through any hard times.

Remember that you are not alone, your spirit guides, angels and passed over loved ones are also with you helping you. Try to stay positive and focused on your goals. Keep charging ahead with your hopes and dreams. Try not to get too distracted by other people’s energies, opinions, or problems.

Lapis Lazuli is associated with your throat chakra. Its energy helps you to communicate with your Throat Chakra. Its energy helps you to communicate clearly. It is also associated with your Third Eye Chakra which helps you with your intuition.”

“We bring you the gift of vision, an inspirational insight from which you shall derive energy, motivation and a sense of purpose. You have many abilities and the capacity to do numerous things with your talent, time and energy.

We know your heart yearns for meaningful, focused purpose. You have things you want to accomplish, perhaps so many that at times you may feel as though you are attempting to live more than one life in this lifetime. We know you can benefit from a vision, something that integrates all you want to do into one unifying purpose.

Even if you do not see how it is possible for all your talents and dreams to be woven into one master vision, we know that love makes all things possible, according to its own creative intelligence and wisdom.

The Universe shall take care of the details, and from the loving universal mind, in accordance with divine timing and your own readiness, we shall gift you with your vision.”

“Vision is a ‘top of the mountain movement’ where you get a sense of where you have been and where you are headed. It is often an all-encompassing, big picture flash of insight.

You won’t necessarily know how what you see could possibly happen. If it is a very uplifting and expansive vision, then your mind may wonder if it is a fantasy or wish rather than a vision, simply because the truth of how it is going to unfold and develop is beyond what your mind can conceive of at the time.

Maybe for you the vision is more of a feeling, a clear yearning in your heart to do something in particular with your life, or an inner knowing that you are a healer, for example.

Maybe you have just had your vision or are waiting for the moment when you finally ‘get’ why you are here on this planet.

Your vision will not necessarily include details of steps to take at first, although that will come when you are ready to take the relevant steps. It can be like driving a car through a foggy night, seeing only the most immediate part of the road before you at any given time.

Does that mean the road doesn’t exist beyond what you can see? Of course not. It does however mean that although the vision gives you the equivalent of a destination, a sense of where you are headed, once you are on the journey, the road will not always be clearly visible beyond what you can do today.

You could compare it to the difference of being at the top of the mountain and seeing all before you, and the compromised vision that has to occur as you descend from the peak and begin the journey.

The view during the journey itself, is not often as clear and far-reaching as the moment of the vision. You can trust in the guiding hand of the Universe to help you fulfill your vision even when you cannot grasp the entirety of the steps you need to take to get there.

There will certainly be times when you may wonder if you have lost track altogether. These are the moments when you need to come back to the vision to gain energy and motivation to keep going, no matter what seems to be happening (or not happening) in your view of things.

Even if it is not always clear to you as you live your life, through the guiding intervention of the compassionate wisdom of a wildly creative higher intelligence, you are being given exactly the opportunities and tests, gifts and information you need to take your journey.

The Universe cannot take your journey for you, but it will certainly empower you with all you need to be able to do so yourself.

Remember too that the vision is not just a destination in the more limited sense of achieving certain successes and manifesting certain dreams.

It is a state of consciousness, a way of being that enables you to access that reality.

Every step on your path is a way to build that consciousness within you each day.

This is why tapping into what your vision feels like to you, is just as powerful as having a clear visual for where you are headed.

Sometimes it can be eve more powerful to feel the feeling of what it would be like if your vision had already manifested. The joy, confidence, trust, peace and feeling of maturity this engenders in you can enhance your journey – and increase your readiness to receive and embody the manifestation of your vision.

If you have been waiting for clear guidance and direction to come to you, this oracle brings you news that it shall be given to you.

This may have already happened, in which case you are being asked to return to your vision and put your faith in it. If you are impatient for your vision to come to you, or to be further clarified, then this oracle brings you reassurance that your prayers will be answered and your insight into the divine plan as it relates to your life purpose and divine destiny will be shown to you.

This will happen at the best time for you, so that what you are shown really gets through!

Finally, if you have been asking if your sense of your destiny, a vision or dream you have had, or a feeling about an amazing future project is correct, this oracle brings confirmation that you are not just ‘imagining things’ but accessing genuine insight.”

“To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now:

‘I call upon the Crystal Angel of Lapis Lazuli and Archangel Michael who love me unconditionally.

Thank you for the divine healing gift of vision. I open my heart and mind to the divine love that bestows all vision.

I cast aside doubt and fear, limitation and expectation. I open my mind with absolute trust to receive the vision of my divine life purpose.

According to divine compassion, mercy and grace, and through my own free will, so be it.’

Frequency: High Charka: Throat, Third Eye, Crown Zodiac Timing: Sagittarius Soul Path: Divine Reconnection” Archangel for Lapus Lazuli is Archangel Micheal 

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