06 October 2021

Mother of Mercy - Kuan Yin

Mother of Mercy - Kuan Yin
Mother of Mercy - Kuan Yin


Just like a Sun that shines brightly casting a shadow, your growing spiritual power needs to be expressed with the awareness that will have an effect on others, even if you are not completely conscious of that effect

.To create peace in the expansion of your power,we call upon the Mother Mercy tempers great strength and power will kindness, gentleness, compassion and caring. 



Mother of Mercy - Kuan Yin
Mother of Mercy - Kuan Yin


The Divine Kuan Yin brings the quality of Mercy to you now as a divine gift, encouraging you to cultivate mercy in your dealings with others and to receive it for yourself now too.

Dispensations of Mercy come when we are without recourse.

We have perhaps lost our way, become unable to find our way through or havecaused some great effect, for better or worse, that we did not intend.

It might even be through our own hand that we have caused such a situation,without intention or malice, we just proceeded in a certain way because we had not yet learned the wisdom needed to avoid it. Or perhaps our Own guidance led us into darkness consciously so that we could learn something valuable and we are a bit stuck!

We may have perhaps been causing harm to others through our own unconsciousness. We could be suffering from a heavy karmic lesson from this or another lifetime and Our Soul may be struggling to really integrate the lesson and feel free to rise up and move on.

Perhaps we are in a situation with another where we hold great power.

It might be as a parent, a teacher, a healer or a boss.It might even be in a less obvious position of power where we could take advantage of another's care for us to secure what we want.

These situations call for the quality of divine mercy.

Divine mercy from the Heavenly Mother brings us to a place -where we can stop manipulation, or being manipulated.

To pray for mercy is powerful prayer, Kuan Yin drops nectar of Mercy from her ivory vase into the hearts those that call her.

If you are in a situation, on either side of the story, whether you feel powerful or disempowered, where there is manipulation, struggle, hurting or suffering, call upon the Mother of Mercy now.

You are guided by; this oracle to accept her spiritual gift to you.

Even if the situation doesn't seem too dramatic, fortunately enough, her gift karmic escalation and prevent the situation from becoming worse.

It will even help to undo the negative effects of what has already unfolded.

This spiritual assistance is offered to humanity from a place of loving respect, kindness and great spiritual power.

Blessings to Kuan Yin ,Mother of Mercy, who watches over us with attentive love and cares for our spiritual progress.

Lay comfortably with your eyes lightly closed and be aware of your heart

Imagine a soft ivory light glowing in your heart.

This is the Vase of Kuan Yin containing Nectar of Mercy.

Imagine you can follow the breath and perceive within the vase. Inside there is the most beautiful liquid light

You become aware of a of pale hand holding the vase lightly and this is the hand of Kuan Yin.

She gently tips a few drops of this precious Nectar into your heart now, chanting delicately, "0m Mani Padme Hum".

Allow for the healing of Mercy to flow into your heart, cleansing it and allowing it to open like a lotus blossom
.Quietly in your mind, or gently aloud, repeat the following, "By the grace of Kuan Yin and my own free will, I am receive healing from your Divine Nectar of Mercy now. Thank you, beloved"

When you are ready, become aware of your feet, imagine yourself standing firmly on the ground or take the time to actually do so. Imagine the Nectar of Mercy flowing out of your hands and feet, into your life

When you are ready, bounce gently on your feet until you feel ready to open your eyes.

Mother of Mercy so loves my Soul The Nectar of Mercy brings peace and bliss untold. I open my heart now to this endless love and peace,which the grace of Kuan Yin helps me reach. 0m Mani Padme Hum.
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