08 October 2021

Solar Plexus Chakra - Sacred Geometry Activations

Solar Plexus Chakra - Sacred Geometry Activations

The frequency of the Solar Plexus Chakra—the yellow Flower of Life—supports our sense of self,our personal power, and our willpower, as well as our knowing of who we are and what our contributions to the whole. 

The flower of life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet . 
it consists of 13 equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle,creating a perfectly proportioned flower. 

Solar Plexus Chakra - Sacred Geometry Activations

As a symbol,the Flower of life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate components of the Universe work together. 

This beautiful pattern is often used Co indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.

The color yellow is associated with the third, or Solar Plexus, chakra. 

It is located in the area of the diaphragm, below the breastbone, and linked to our sense of self,our authority, and our personal power. 

It is the area of our personality and our ego. 

Yellow helps us to think clearly, increase our awareness, and stimulate our curiosity.

 It strengthens our vitality, our life force, and our energy.

 Its sense is sight. 


Go inside yourself for a moment and think about what is important in your life. Do you spend your days doing what you love? Do you feel satisfied? Do you feel you are an important part of this big puzzle we call life? Most of us have that one thing that we love doing and are really good at. What's your one thing? 

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