22 October 2021

Soul Star Chakra - The Native Heart Healing Oracle

Soul Star Chakra - The Native Heart Healing Oracle
Soul Star Chakra - The Native Heart Healing Oracle

Soul Star Chakra - 

Step beyond your limitations-

 Conscious creation

Reaching a peak'

Ever guiding, ever loving, ever seeing presence of your soul self... welcoming you home.

The soul star chakra is a brilliant stellar gateway to your divine self.

This Chakra has been initiated via your Akashic records as you have reached are readiness and willingness to connect with your higher selves.

It is time to open your soul to transcending old habits and patterns that have limited you thus far. 


Soul Star Chakra - The Native Heart Healing Oracle
Soul Star Chakra - The Native Heart Healing Oracle

If you already feel consciously connected with your higher self,this chakra welcomes a higher opening, as you shift and align further with your soul's purpose.

This mandala brings confirmation of you accelerated growth, as you are now living as your light body self via a physical experience.

This card indicates a time of celebration as you dance in the joy that you bring forth to this planet.

As you lead-the way, be a shining example of pure love, by allowing your heart to sing for all to hear.

As one you are, we are united.


This mandala offers a powerful activation and reminder of your divinity.

Lie down and place this card directly above your head as this is where the soul star chakra is located.

Give yourself at least fifteen minutes to enjoy the experience of remembering and feeling your infinite self.

This healing brings a gentle reminder of all you have come to achieve upon this earthly plane. It will bring you into alignment with your highest paths so as you can live your greatest truths.

Remain open to creating new and higher ways of being your authentic self.

KEY ELEMENTS: Silver and golden rays, highest path, divine synchronicity, Akashic records, soul contract, alignment, ascending beyond human ego.

Deck Used Here 

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