03 November 2021

Memory- Green Witch Oracle

Memory- Green Witch Oracle
Memory- Green Witch Oracle


ROSEMARY (Rosmatinus otlicinalis)

When the World Wearies, and Society Ceases to Satisfy, There Is Always the Garden "Minnie Aumonier"

Deeper levels of connection with people, concepts and plans are all areas that rosemary works with.

You are reminded to ensure you are in touch with your inner wisdom, paying heed to the past, and have cleared what needs to be released.

Listen to your intuition as it is calling to you at present, but be wary of gossip or becoming tactless or too forceful.

Rosemary is a perennial shrub that can be planted from late autumn to late winter, in the tropics from early spring through to late autumn, in temperature zones, in mid spring to early autumn in colder places.

Plant in garden beds or containers in moist but free draining soil,although rosemary will grow in semi-shade, it usually does better in full sun, harvest as leaves required

Magical correspondences

Uses: the mind- cleansing, consecration, psychic development, lust

Deities: elves,Virgin Marv, Hecate, Helios, sea spirits

Celestial: the sun

Astrological sign: Leo

Memory spell

Rosemary can easily be used as a smudge stick to cleanse the mind and areas.

Gather a bunch of rosemary and natural strung or yarn.

Trim to an even length as many sprigs as you feel will create a smudge stick of the size and appearance you want,


Wrap the cut end of the stems a few times with the string and tie to secure, then tightly to crisscross fashion to the end and tie off, 


Hang in a cool, moisture-free place until dry.

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