16 November 2021

Tam Lim - The Faerytale Oracle

Tam Lim - The Faerytale Oracle
Tam Lim - The Faerytale Oracle

Tam Lim

If my love were an earthly knight,though he's an elfin grey,

I would not give my own true-love

For any lord that ye have.

"Three times Tam Lin changes, and three times Janet holds. 

She sprinkles a circle of earth and blessed water about him - and brings him home.

The tale of Tam Lin is Scottish, and no one creates heroines like the Scots. may be called Tam Lin, but it is Janet's story.

It is a story of initiation, change, transformation,and reckoning, and freedom after imprisonment. The tale of Tam Lin is Scottish, and no onecreates heroines like the Scots. may be called Tam Lin, but it is Janet's story.

The strong,fierce will of the heroine frees the man held captive by the faeryqueen — even though he is forced to change, and change, andchange, and Janet must hold fast, not letting him go, until at lasthe turns into hot coals, she flings him into the well, and he isborn again as his human self.

When this card comes to you, you are being reminded of your amazing power to free Others by refusing to give into overwhelming forces.

You are so strong and you can set an incredible example of courage and pride for this heroine is proud; proud ofher family, her name, and her choices — even when they have seen her walk outside of what is considered to be the right thing for her to do.

What does this mean for you? It means that despite the rules you have broken, you have done this for the right reasons.

Your immense resolve and determination area inspiration to others, and always will be, and are so powerful that you are able to inspire others to become truly themselves.

When this card comes to you, be like Janet of the Tam Lin story— set others free through refusing to be intimidated.

Stay true to yourself and to your own values, even when you walk in as strange land, as Janet does.

And know that when you pick a rose,magic can happen


.Love is also at the heart of the Tam Lin story — the refusal to discard a lover because they are in difficult circumstances,instead choosing to be strong and supportive.

So when this card appears, know you can stand by friends and loved ones - and your support means the world to them, especially during a difficult trial or even a court case.

You are a tower of strength, and it will be appreciated, and so much love will be yours.

But you do not do this for reward — you do this because it is right, and because the love you have goes beyond good times.

It extends into the nightmares that all humans experience throughout their lives —and your loyalty is a shining light for others to reach for in their darkest moments.

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The Faerytale Oracle

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