29 December 2021

Base Chakra - Angel Therapy

Base Chakra - Angel Therapy
Base Chakra - Angel Therapy

Base Chakra

Choose only positive thoughts to describe your home, career and finances as your words determine your outcome.”

The Base Chakra is situated in the area of the coccyx at the base of the spine. 


It is the centre of your basic life force and its function is security and grounding.

The Base Chakra is situated in the area of the coccyx at the base of the spine.

The third dimensional colour is red bringing in strong energies.

It provides basic security and a good foundation from which to grow and develop.

Today the Angels are telling you to be very aware of how you describe your basic life force areas which include your home, your work and your finances.

Every thought, word and deed that you think, say and do you create!

Do not get drawn in by negative thoughts but ensure that the way you live is being influenced only by positive thoughts so that you are able to live the life you were meant to live.

Negative thoughts create more negative thoughts and energies and until you are able to break the cycle you will continue to influence your life in a negative way.

Call in the Angels and ask them to assist you with this task. Archangel Gabriel works with the Base Chakra.

Ask him to bring in his light of purification which will negate any of the negative energies that may be around.

Then ask him to give you the gift of creativity so that you are able to create the perfect life and surroundings for yourself in love and light enabling you to live as the Divine Being you are! 


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