09 December 2021

Mirror Guardian - Angels & Ancestors

Mirror Guardian - Angels & Ancestors
Mirror Guardian - Angels & Ancestors

Mirror Guardian

Take Time to Reflect on your strengths challenges and how far you've come.

Recognize your gifts.

Angels accept you just the way you are.

Even when you are going through a challenging time, they still hold you in the highest esteem. 


The Mirror Guardian, a female angel looking into the mirror of life, invites you to witness your spiritual strength and beauty to see yourself as angels do.

The mirror represents the fact that your core beliefs and ideas are in fact what is reflected backto you by your world.

Your life is one big mirror of how you feel within and the Mirror Guardian helps vou recognize that.

When this card appears, you arebeing invited to take some time to see where you are right now.

You are a beautiful being who has surmounted so many challenges and expanded in so many ways.

Your angels are now guiding you to take inventory ofvour life —- to take the time to note all of your recent experiences: the challenges you have surmounted,the strengths you have developed and the lessonsyou have learned.

Your angels want you to redecton uour strengths, in particular those aspects ot} ourself that you feel have not been others.

Offer yourself approval where it's duei when you give yourself credit, others will be able as well.

You have gone through a lot and it is time to accept your gifts and talents

Time to accept that you're worth of things

You don't need anybody's approval to understand that you are good, beautiful and you are quite capable of doing this.

Trust yourself, it starts with self esteem, and the rest will follow.

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