17 December 2021

Overflow - The Shaman's Dream Oracle

too much, overwhelm and plenty

So many good things are headed your way or are already occurring in your life right now,yet you may be thinking that they're not possible or you're not worthy of them.

Abundance is everyone's natural state before we project our restrictions on it—defining what it means, who has it, who gets it, and so forth. 


Right now, take yourself out of your conditioning and look at your life through the eyes of plenty.

There is so much beauty and love.

Opportunities and divine synchronicities destined to support your dreams abound and are lined up for you.

Yet it's sometimes difficult to discern it all because you're bombarded with too much information and stimulation, distracting you from from the truth that all is.

Sometimes all this over flow can be over-whelming, and you may find yourself responding with empathy overload.

Empathy overload occurs when you tune in to the collective angstand fear about impending changes and uncertainties.

It's unmanageable; you feel like you're drowning in those emotions.

It's time to allow yourself to detach, bring yourself back to yourlife, restore your faith in a power greater than you, and remind yourself to focus on your smaller personal universe, which is much easier to manage.

In this way, you know that you area conduit for life's blessings and can share them with others, making this perception of overflow profoundly positive.

There are so many good things headed our way or they have already arrived, yet we may not believe the possibility of the good things arriving to our way, as we don't think it's possible or we're not worthy of the good things coming to our way.

Opportunities has been send to our way to help us to support reaching our dreams.

Have no fear about upcoming changes and uncertainties, just have a bit more trust on what's coming to your way.

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Shaman's Dream Oracle

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