01 December 2021

Waning Gibbous 2 - Queen Of the Moon

Waning Gibbous 2 - Queen Of the Moon
Waning Gibbous 2 - Queen Of the Moon



Are you taking life too intensively or too seriously?

The time has come to call Pleasure in, the pleasures of life. Seek light-hardheartedness at this time.

Focus on what would make you happy. 


Schedule in activities you find pleasurable. I'llopen myself to the pleasures of life.

'In our search for a better life, something happened along the way.'

We forgot how to find real pleasure in what we do rather than just being diverted from the everyday life can be overwhelming, and our rational minds seem to need every available minute of ourtime to be able to cope with its demands.

Pleasure has taken the back seat, or there is a pattern of it now forming destructive tendencies such as binge drinking rather than simply having a wine or two with friends.

A big part of pleasure is letting go.

This does not mean surrendering or giving up; it simply mean shanding over of all our administration, stress and worries for a time and immersing ourselves in something joyful.

When we don't allow ourselves to experience pleasure, whether in the form of laughter,play, sensuality or the development of skills, were main less than whole and feel a wanting.

No funactually makes us dull indeed! Over time, we are much less effective in our emotional and work lives if we do not experience regular doses of pleasure.

Our ancient ancestors knew the importance of pleasure in the forming of a healthy mind, body and spirit.

There were gods and goddesses dedicated to happiness and the pleasures of life, such as the Egyptian goddess Hathor.

The temples of Hathor were joyful places full of songs and beauty.

There were even small temples placed in her honour outside other major deities' temples so that people could be in a happy and contented mental mood before entering to worship.

The Egyptians clearly believed that having a positive or relaxed state of mind assisted in having a positive spiritual connection.

Companion stone: turquoise,

Life can be very stressful with work, and if you have kids that can leave a little room for personal pleasure for ourselves.

Stress bring negativity

Negativity is not good for our health both mental & physical health.

We need time for ourselves to make us happy, this can be a treat at the spa, lunch & dinner with friends or time at hairdressers, & manicure & pedicure time, or watching your favourite shows under the duvet with PJ's on.

We need time for ourselves to make us happy, this can be a treat at the spa, lunch & dinner with friends or time at hairdressers, & manicure & pedicure time, or watching your favourite shows under the duvet with PJ's on.

Whatever is your choice, have time for yourself.

Let go off things that no longer serves you. :)

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